who was Kaori

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The blue haired general and her fellow Jaegers arrived at the Emperor's Palace with the Emperor and the Prime Minister, himself waiting.

"General Esdeath!" The prime minister started taking a bite of a chicken leg.

Esdeath immediately bowed to the young emperor, her cap removed and placed against her chest in a gesture of respect. "My lord, we've cleared all those danger beasts in a blink of an eye."

"Yes, I came to ease after Y/n came in earlier to report to us that the Jaegers have it under control," the emperor said and gave Esdeath a smile.

"Y/n?" She muttered and then smiled, standing up, putting on her cap again, "of course, who else would've had my back on this." She lifted her gaze at the emperor.

"General Esdeath— I heard that he joined the Jaegers after all. I'm impressed that he finally accepted the offer," Prime Minister Honest inserted his statement.

Esdeath's smile faded and turned into a curious expression, "Yes, he joined the Jaegers under one condition," she said and started to walk away.

As curious and annoying the man was, he followed Esdeath so he could speak to her properly, "And that one condition was?"

Esdeath looked at him and sighed, "unfortunately, Prime Minister Honest, that condition is a secret."

"I see. I might want to ask you.... You see, I offered him a job as my personal bodyguard, you know, for the emperor— with all these Night Raid assassins— it's really dangerous so—."

The General interrupted him with a soft chuckle, "About Night Raid, the Jaegers are here for the emperor. Y/n is already a member of the Jaegers and also my right hand."

Prime minister Honest didn't say no more, it was clear that even General Esdeath won't help him convince Y/n to work for him. He rolled his eyes behind the woman's back and took another route of the chicken before he walked away, "take care, General Esdeath. I am busy as well, I've got a lot of things to do."

Esdeath glanced at him for a second and started to walk towards the meeting room where all the members of the Jaegers were.

She sat there on her seat, waiting impatiently. She was wondering where on earth Y/n might be. Of course, he couldn't be in danger, she wouldn't underestimate him but somehow she found herself worried about him. The sun was already starting to set, the day went through so quickly.

"Here General Esdeath," Bols said, placing her meal in front of her.

She smiled, "Thank you, Bols." And started to eat.


"Hmm. The sun is going down already?" Y/n mumbled. He was hungry, he skipped breakfast and he hasn't had lunch.

He was on his horse with the knocked out, brown haired boy behind him on the horse as well as he held on to Tatsumi's Teigu sword.

He glanced at the unconscious young boy and turned around again with a sigh, "Esdeath, you have such terrible taste," he muttered.

As he arrived at the Palace, Tatsumi seemed to have started waking up. But before he opened his eyes, he was sent back to sleep by Y/n.

Y/n had to carry the unconscious boy, leaving the guards to take care of his horse. He walked to the Jaegers meeting room, "damn you're light as hell," he whispered, opening the door.

Esdeath's eyes sparkled at the sight of Tatsumi.

She quickly walked to where Y/n stood and took Tatsumi against her chest, "tatsumi," she whispered with warmth, as she closed her eyes.

Mind Strings and the Demon's Extract ( Esdeath x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum