IV. Library Visitors

Start from the beginning


"He's a Hunter."


"He took the Hunter exam and passed. That's how."

"Any proof?"

Illumi watched the two bicker in amusement. Chrollo turned to him. "Do you have your Hunter license?"

He nodded.

Akari shook her head. "How do I know you didn't just steal it from someone?"

"Why is it so hard to believe that I'm a Hunter? If it's about the line of work I'm in, then let me remind you that Killua is a Hunter as well."

Akari didn't know how to dispute Illumi's statement. Additionally, she remembered how her table mates at the cafe had talked about Illumi at the Hunter exam. She had no reason to believe the guys were lying. She sighed in defeat. "Fine. Follow me, but only Illumi is allowed to enter. Chrollo, you can't."

Chrollo smiled. "That's fine by me. I'll just look for an interesting book to read." He left the two alone.

Illumi followed Akari to a heavy wooden door. Akari gave him the same instructions she had given Kurapika just the day before. "To enter, you need to scan your license. Everything inside is at your disposal. Please clean up after yourself. To exit, scan your license again but on the other side of the door."

"Got it. Thanks." Illumi scanned his license and entered.

• Illumi •

Illumi couldn't understand why Akari was so short with him. Did he do something to make her mad? He was simply trying to examine her to see if she was potentially as interesting as Killua said.

Maybe she's just scared, he thought.

He seated himself in front of a computer to look into a new target. This person was dangerous considering his advanced nen techniques, so Illumi needed to learn as much as he could before completing his mission.

After a few search queries, a puzzled Illumi decided there might be an easier way to gather information. He quickly logged out of the computer and exited the Hunter library.

• Akari •

Akari felt tense. She didn't like that two dangerous individuals were lurking around in her library. Luckily, Chrollo left her alone and Illumi was busy in the secluded Hunter library.

She pushed the cart full of returned books down an aisle of bookshelves. As she was about to place a book back in its spot, she noticed a set of dark eyes staring back at her from the other side of the bookshelf.

"Ahh!" A startled Akari yelped. "You're not normal, you know that?" She scolded Illumi.

"I just thought this was the easiest way to come see you face-to-face."

"You couldn't walk up to me in this aisle? You just had to peer through the bookshelf?"

Illumi exhaled. "I can't help but wonder what I've done to anger you so. Help me understand."

"You're so inconsiderate," Akari pouted. And a jerk.

"How so?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You're after my life, aren't you?"

"Well, no, not quite. I'm sure Killua told you to beware of me, but I'm not planning to kill you."

"Well, that's comforting," Akari remarked sarcastically. "Can I still sleep with my eyes closed tonight?"

"I guess. What do I have to do with the way you sleep?"

Akari didn't know whether to laugh or be confused. Was Illumi really this oblivious? "Never mind. What do you need?"

"What kind of Hunter are you?" Illumi asked bluntly.

Akari looked taken aback. "Why should I tell you?"

"Well, if my memory serves me right, Killua mentioned you might be a Crime Hunter. Is that right?"

So Killua didn't keep his mouth shut, did he? Akari was livid. "How does that help you?"

"Well, I tried researching my next target, and he's a prominent person, but the Hunter site seems to be lacking on information about him. I was wondering if you could assist me."

Akari groaned. Why me? He was actually being nice, but he was also an assassin. What would he do if she turned him down?

"I see you must be pondering on whether to help me or not." It was as if Illumi had read her mind. "Let me help you. I will provide you with inside information on the Phantom Troupe — not without limit, of course. However, I'm more than happy to establish a give-and-take relationship with you." Illumi clasped his hands behind his back. "And you will be on good terms with yet another Zoldyck."

It was tempting to accept his request on the spot. Akari wondered what his ulterior motive was.

"There are no ulterior motives in my proposal."

How?! Could he read my mind? "Let me think about it," Akari said.

"Don't take too long to make your decision. I haven't got all day." Illumi looked at a clock located on the opposite wall. "I'll give you till noon to decide."

She had thirteen minutes.

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