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Isaac helps her clean up the cut a bit. "I'm sorry, Ili, but I'm pretty sure that Blake will insist on filing charges against that female so I can't heal it any. I can take some of the pain away, I'm not as good as Blake is, so I can't take it all away."

"Some would be good. This hurts and the swelling makes talking difficult."

"You'll need to let the police take photos and make your statement then I'm sure that Blake will take the swelling and pain away at least. I don't think he'll be able to heal it all immediately. You heal fast but we couldn't explain you healing that fast. Especially since I think you should probably get stitches for this."

Isaac sees her panicked expression and does his best to reassure her. "Blake will do his best to make it so you won't have to, but if you do, he'll be by your side and so will most of us. There will have to be one or two of us that will have to stay here and oversee the party.

"Now, which dress are you changing into?" Isaac asks her as they finish up.

"The other one hanging on my closet door." Iliana painfully replies as she starts washing off the sticky wine. She finally takes off the jeweled collar and sends it under the water.

"That's not good for the jewelry, Iliana." Isaac chides her.

"I know, but I want to continue wearing this and I can't do that if it's all sticky from the wine. We can take it in tomorrow and have it cleaned properly."

Isaac doesn't say anything, he just patiently holds her dress until she's ready for it.

Finally Iliana thinks she's as cleaned up as she can get. She turns to find Isaac looking at her mostly naked body with appreciation and no little lust. "Tomorrow, Iliana, it is my turn. What would you like to do?"

Iliana laughs, "I know what you would like to do. I don't know. Nothing fancy like this. I guess it will depend on how much pain I'll be in." Iliana says as she dries her chest off. Isaac watches her hungrily as she does.

Iliana smiles at him, "Would you like to join Blake and I tonight?"

Isaac stands up straight. "Ili, do you know what you are asking?"

"Yes, you to join Blake and I in bed."

"Have you had ass sex yet?" Isaac hadn't realized that she even knew what a threesome was.

"Nope, but I have wondered how it would be to have two of you making love to me at the same time. I don't think Blake will mind. But I also think it will depend on how much pain I'll be feeling."

With that Iliana takes the dress and puts it on. She needs Isaac to help her do it up. He can't help the oaths that escape his mouth as he does so. "Blake is going to flip when he sees you wearing this in public. All of us are going to be upset that so many are going to see so much of you."

"I wear less when I go to a public pool or beach. You've seen me in my bikini's and never said anything before."

"We weren't dating then, Ili, and it was Blakes job as guardian to say something. I think he showed a great deal of restraint. Especially with those monster triplets that introduced you to skinny dipping." Isaac says as he kisses her neck before helping her put on the jewels once more.

"Oh, but you enjoyed watching me every time, Isaac. I could feel the intent stare from your room."

"Oh, yes, I enjoyed watching your body covered in nothing but the silver coated moonlight of the water on your body. I wanted to go to you and suck that water off of you one drop at a time. You have no idea just how much control it took to not do anything other than fuck my flavor like crazy to take care of the ache it caused me."

Iliana shivers at his poetic description. "Hmm, maybe that's what we can do tomorrow night. We can go skinny dipping. Then afterwards you can-" her words were abruptly cut off as Isaac kisses her heatedly. They both forget about the cut on her mouth until they stop kissing then the passion cools and the pain takes over.

"Shit, that hurt. But I take it you like the idea?" Iliana says painfully smirking. She checks the mirror to see if she is starting to bleed again.

"Isaac, can you stop this bleeding? I don't really want to get blood on this dress."

Isaac has enough ability to give her her request and take some of the pain away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you like that."

Iliana waves it away. "It was my fault. I was intentionally trying to provoke you and it worked." Iliana was very like the cat with the canary with that. "I guess this is as good as I can get. That cheek is going to swell and darken nastily soon. I better talk to the officers before that happens."

Iliana sighs as she turns away from the mirror. She has never been physically hurt in her life and this was a first for her. Other than sparring that is. She hadn't been prepared for the bitch to actually hit her. If she had the bitch would never have landed the slap that she did.

It doesn't take long for Iliana to give her statement. Isaac had brought down the dress and hands it over to the officer as evidence. They take photos of the damage done to her face, wincing in pain on her behalf as they do. Finally they finish and urge her to go to the hospital for stitches before much longer.

Blake assures them that he will make sure that she goes. The police leave soon after that. Blake seems to lose some of the tenseness as they do. None of the boys like the police much since they failed to find any leads into the deaths of their parents and Ili's parents.

"Come, it's past time for you to be introduced." Blake guides her to the podium where he brings her forward.

He thanks them all for coming. Then he apologizes for the need for the police. Then he brings Iliana forward and introduces her as both the newest member of the Board taking her parents places and also as his girlfriend. This of course causes a great deal of murmuring with all the females and even some of the males. They take a closer look at the young woman before them and start judging her even more harshly than before.

Iliana for her part just doesn't give a damn. She's never cared what others thought of her, other than the boys any way. So them giving her dirty looks and the words that she hears don't bother her much at all. 

They do, however, make the boys react.

"Any further words of disrespect towards Miss Bloomington will cause a great many changes in the power structure of the company." Blake warns as the words continue to become more and more nasty.

The comments die down and Blake escorts her out. He has his car brought around as one of the boys grabs a jacket for Iliana. It doesn't really go with the dress but it does cover it up nicely. Which was the idea.

While they were waiting at the hospital for Iliana's turn to be looked at Iliana brings up the idea of having Isaac join them in bed once they get home.

Blake's eyes get large then start blazing with fire. "If he would like to join us, I wouldn't have problem with that. Are you sure that you would be comfortable doing that, though?"

"I wouldn't mind trying it. The thought of both of you in me at the same time really makes me wish that we were home in bed at this time."

Blake feels the same way and could kill the medical teams for being so slow on a slow night. Finally they are seen by a doctor and she was given two stitches before being sent home.

That night they tried being a threesome and Iliana very much enjoyed it and so she will try it with other of the brothers.

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