Chapter 32: Reign of Queen Ruby

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Ruby sat on the cushioned throne the craftsmen wolves had made for her. Currently, she's receiving people who were seeking an audience with her in the massive throne room where the sultan had previously met with her. She did a little redecorating on the place, put on more red banners, removed some suggestive statues, and placed more furniture where she can sit down with anyone to have a peaceful conversation.

Instead of a monarch who sits above everybody else, she wants to be the kind of ruler with whom everyone can speak to as an equal but still respect as a leader. So her sofa has a bit more flair than where the guests would sit. She decided that a comfortable sofa will allow her to have a more intimate conversation with the people she's speaking with. Plus sitting on the throne all day is kind of painful on the buttocks.

She does sit on it from time to time to feel taller and more powerful since it was elevated in its marbled dais. However, some not very pleasant memories would resurface in her mind about what she did with a certain demon prince on the throne. Every time she remembers that incident her cheeks would be flushed bright red and she would be unable to follow in the conversation.

"My queen, are you ready for your next audience?" asked Fragarax.

"Yes, please send them in." Ruby replied with a casual smile. The Centaurial Wolf nodded to the guards near the door who immediately pulled them apart to allow the next people to enter.

Ruby was astonished to see some familiar faces who grinned at her with sincere happiness, making her abruptly stand from her seat to greet them.

"Queen Urduja, Datu Lapu-Lapu, Princess Liwayway. It's a pleasure to see all of you again!" she exclaimed in joy as the familiar faces warmed her heart.

"It's been quite a while, young queen. We have come here when we heard the news of your victory and ascent to the throne. We would like to congratulate you for your achievements." greeted Lapu-Lapu.

"Yes, we have a lot to talk about, my friend. I heard that your battle strategies were spectacular. I would like to hear about it all." added Queen Urduja who had a charming smile on her lips.

"And we also brought gifts for you, Diwata!" said Liwayway with obvious excitement.

The three visitors took their seats around the table where the maids set several bite-sized dishes for them to enjoy.

"Can you open mine first?" Ruby nodded as the girl excitedly presented her with a long dark box. It was carved with several flowing patterns that seem to depict the movement of the wind but the most prominent figure of all was the intricately carved image of a bird. She popped the lock and opened the lid and was amazed to see very colorful plumes styled as hair clips studded with jewels. The one that caught her attention the most was the largest one probably even longer than the span of her arm.

At first, she thought that it was a kind of peacock since the colors are mostly green and blue but then when the sunlight was reflected on its surface the feather glinted gold and sometimes even purple.

"What bird has a plumage as magnificent as this? I don't think I've seen anything remotely as pretty as this one even in the previous sultan's menagerie." mused Ruby in awe.

"These are retrieved from the last known nest of the Ibong Adarna. Liwayway accidentally stumbled upon it while playing in the forest. It's a mythical bird that resides in our island whose song is said to cure any disease but its shit can turn anyone into stone or so the story goes."

"Has anyone proven that before? Are there any shreds of evidence of its magic?" questioned Ruby thinking that such a creature could help Dyrroth's situation.

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