a tragic story (SAD) (I CRIED)(GONE SEXAUL)

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one day papyrus was VERY VEYR VERY hungrey for a ice cream sandwich "o-o-owo im so hingey for icecream sandwich im going to get one !!qwq" papyrus gets up and started to walk to icecream guys ice cream stand " ONE ICE CREAM SANSWICH PLEASE UWU" Icecream guy: "Here you go papyrus you can have it for free because yout a cute little owo boy" " T-tt0t--t-t-t-tTHANK YOU ICECUM GUY"  * papyrus runs away blushing* payrus didnt know how to take complains well, you see sans is dating dream and dream is a VERY bad boy and dream bullies papyrus so he dosent take cumapins good !!UWU
"oo-o-o-o-o-ok i have icecum- OH NO I HAVE TO TAKE THE FATTEST SHIT EVER !! qwq" papytus goes to the bathroom and takes a HUGE ASS SHIT " ok now thats over- OH a chocotal chip fell out of my ice cream sandwich !!" papyrus eats the chocotal chip soon to he finds out that....it was his own shit " OOOOOO MY SHIT TASTES SO GOOD OWO" paprus goes to the bathroom to see that HIS SHIT CAME ALIVE !! "hey baby boy u looking hot can u eat and vore me little doggy' the shit said to papyrus " Y_Y_Y_Y_Y_YES SHITY CHAN * papyrus started to eat shit chan* U TASTE SO GOOD UWU *papyrus ate shit chan whole* " im so full !!" sans walks in on papyrus, paps had shit all over his face and clothes "paps what were u doing? " payrus turns into his demon form " YOU DOBT UNDERSTAND SANS " papyrus kills sans and papyrus eats sans dead bones 


i hope u liked my story qwq its my first !!OWO 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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