🇸🇬 :: The Moon and Stars

Start from the beginning

"You're kicked out of Malaysia."

Singapore's heart sank.

The states at the doorway was shocked, they did know that some separation would happen as they were apart of the plan but they all didn't expect it today in the middle of the night. Brunei didn't know what to feel, and so she left the doorway to calm herself down. Malaysia then gave eye contact with the rest of the states, with an obvious expression of nervousness caught in his eyes.

Singapore grabs the clipboard that he was handed over, and started reading the pages carefully. It was sort of a letter, formally addressing about his relationship with Malaysia and their history and until... The page where it seemed everyone wanted to let him out of the federation. Each and every state gave their own reasoning why, one which was related to the fact that he was really separated with everyone else...

He skimmed towards the last page and slams the board onto the floor, and rushed towards his room like a flash of light. This made everyone in the room confused, and Malaysia dropping on the sofa. That made all of the states rush towards Malaysia and go talk to him in the middle of the night.


He had to accept the offer.

He grabbed his bag and dumped every single thing he can find inside as fast as possible. Although it was sad to let Malaysia go, he was horridly frustrated. He had to accept it. He can live on his own... right?

He turned to his right where his nightstand was, opening the cabinet below it to grab his glasses case. As he shuts the door, he looked up to see a framed picture of all of the states and himself during a birthday party. The bi-colored flag would start debating whether or not to bring the picture, but then decided that he took the frame off and placed it on in his bag.

After about five minutes, he would find himself zipping up his bag. He looked at his room's window for the last time, seeing the moon shine in a perfect crescent and the stars shining brightly. He realizes for a moment that a moon and stars were a part of his emblem, he thinks for a second that maybe it was a huge coincidence that the crescent would show up today.

He shrugged that thought off, and grabbed his bag and forcibly opening the door.

He looked around for a moment, literally every single state (including Brunei) were at the room's doorstep, some giving a look of disappointment and the others were just too tired to process everything at one in the morning.

Johor would step up for a moment. "[I'm so sorry, this was fo-]"

"Fuck off."

Brunei would be seen almost at the verge of crying at this point. She wanted to go now, not just because of Singapore leaving, being a state was too much to handle for her.

"[D- Do you think we can talk again?]" Brunei asked, stuttering on her own words.

The Singaporean looked at the Bruneian's eyes for a moment, but then proceeded to answer with looking at the floor.

"[Only time can tell.]"

He would then hear whispers at the back of the crowd, he was unsure who was chit chatting but he didn't really care anymore. He gave off a sigh and proceeded to walk outside the house, leaving everyone else looking at him from the main doorway and waving a goodbye even if Singa himself wasn't able to.

Malaysia would find himself spectating the kicked out city-state leave, which he thought that a brick of guilt had hit him.


Singa found himself walking on the streets with his bag which was a little heavy too carry by himself. He has been walking around for around 15 minutes now, and so he decided to take a break.

It seemed like the two o'clock had stroke now. The southeast Asian found himself lost, lost in many different ways.

He was tried dealing with everything, he just wanted so that he can make them get along. He wasn't only angry at the fact that Malaysia declined the idea, it was the fact that everyone he trusted was against him as well, it hits him as hard as a rock that he couldn't understand.

He would find a tree nearby and decided to take a rest for a bit, as he dropped his bag at the base of the natural matter. He then fixed his hair properly for a moment, then started zoning out once more at the sight of the long, narrow path he just passed through.

There was some sort of a bus-stop like building nearby in which he knows that nobody uses, the plantation field was widely open and he can still see the Malaysian house from the distance. Glancing over it, he then asked himself quietly.

"What now?"

He can't go back to the house for now and apologize, everyone hates him now just because his flaws are different. He doesn't even familiarize this place either, he was in a huge sugarcane field from side to side, but the plants were just short enough to see what's in the other side of the field.

Cold breeze would hit the city-state's skin, which made him shiver for a little. He wasn't used to this type of temperature, and he has no idea why it was so stupendously cold in the beginning of August. It was August 8, or 9... He couldn't remember, but that thought made him shiver a lot more.

He kneeled on his bag and opens it to dig in to find his cream-colored scarf, but then gave up halfway as he realized that it was very dark for him to see.

"[Dammit, I guess I'll suffer today,]" he muttered, as he sat down on the group beside the tree, and placed his bag on top of his lap.

He watched over the cold, night skies...

Shortly after, he would see another person blurred in his vision, but couldn't tell who it was as he flowed to sleep.

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