Aaron's Ending

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(I'm on a roll today-)

I smiled as I watch Aaron and Abbey play together and talk about dinosaurs. 'He's growing up fast...' I thought. He was the best and weirdest little brother I ever had.

He ran up to me and dragged me over towards abbey. "What's happening??" I asked. "Uh well.....TAG YOUR IT!" He yelled as he and Abbey ran away. "Oh your on!" I yelled and ran after them.


After a couple of hours of playing and chasing each other we had to go home. Abbey's parent picked up Abbey. They told me I could come but I told them no thank you as me and Aaron walked home.

While walking home Aaron lightly cleared his throat. I looked down at him with a light smile. "Yes, Aaron?" I asked. He looked up at me then the ground.

"Uh, well, I was wondering since now that you're in the family....Are you now my new sister?" He said and looked back up at me.

I got quiet in thought, looking ahead then back at him. "You can say that. You can call me your big sister now if you want!" I said with a big smile on my face.

We walked up towards our house as I turned towards him. "Raptor bash?" He said as he held his hand out.

I chuckled and held mines out as well. "Raptor bash." I said as we both snarled and laughed at the end. We walked inside to eat dinner with the family.


A/N: *Sniff* This was so wholesome!!! I loved this! Nothing important sooooo I need more characters for endings not Mark.....Maybe idk I'll see but byeee!

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