"I mean, that is basically true," Claus responded to Ness' question, and wiped some of the sweat off his forehead. He had just finished cooking the stew, which was quite a reckless job to give someone. Especially Claus.

"D-Did you make that...?" Lucas asked, a little worried for everyone's safety. Claus nodded his head, which caused a horrified look to appear on Lucas' face. "Dear god, help us all."

"What do you mean it's basically true?" Ness asked, curious to know what Claus meant.

"Tabuu is bringing his son to the event. You know, the one who seemingly hasn't seen the light of day since his birth," Claus responded, taking off his apron and chef's hat and hanging it on the wall.

"Wow, now you've really got me invested. My hype is 10/10 IGN rated," Lucas responded, quite sarcastically. He finished up rolling the silverware, placed them into gray bins, and slid them down to the other end of the table. "Speaking of kids I could give less of a fuck about, where's Ninten?"

"He's setting up the entertainment," Claus replied, adjusting his messy hair in one of the kitchen mirrors.

"What do you mean entertainment?"

"Just like old arcade cabinets and stuff, for the young children," Claus turned around, and stuffed a few crackers in his mouth from a nearby cracker tray.

"Ah yes, because children love to play games like Pong," Lucas replied, yet again sarcastically.

"Just be outside soon you two, the event is starting soon." Claus adjusted his shirt, and just like that, he was gone. Lucas sighed, and turned to face a mirror himself.

He was wearing his usual attire, striped shirt and blue shorts. And despite being in the kitchen the whole afternoon, his hair was still immaculate. He smiled a little at how good he looked, and turned back to Ness.

"This better be one hell of a party."


By now, the party had been going on for some time. Everyone from Mario to Kazuya was there, and having an all around good time. So far not much had happened during the event, just idle conversation and the occasions passing out of appetizers. And despite Ninten's best efforts, not a single arcade cabinet had been touched. Ninten even went undercover to talk up the arcade games to the other kids, but to no avail.

But now it was the first large event during the night. Tabuu and his son were going to arrive shortly. As such, everyone had begun to gather in the schools foyer, and around the main doors. And amongst that group was Ness, Lucas, Claus and Ninten.

"Still don't see what is so important about this kid," Lucas whispered to Ness, as they stood and waited for Tabuu's arrival.

"He's like the prince to Tabuu's king. Like the Bruce to his Thomas, or the Tony to his Howard," Ness whispered back.

"I see you've been reading a lot of comic books recently," Lucas responded, slightly lauder than a whisper. This caused Ness to blush a little, who didn't like to admit that he liked comic books. Especially to Lucas, due to the fact that Ness had made jokes at Lucas' expense about Lucas liking comic books.

"So how's the arcade going?" Claus asked Ninten, as both boys stood near the door, but not nearly as close as Ness and Lucas.

"Shut up," Ninten replied, still a little angry that no one liked his mini-arcade setup.

"Ok, got it, still a sore subject."

"What the fuck am I supposed to do? What kid doesn't like the simpler things in life, like playing ping pong on a giant wooden box," Ninten complained, seemingly going on the rant out of nowhere.

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