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Clopin looked up from finishing his puppet show to see Henri approach.

"Bonjour Monsieur Clement," said Clopin cheerfully. It had been a month since Madeleine had left and he was dearly missing his fiancee.

"Bonjour Clopin, another wonderful show," Henri replied placing some coins as well as a letter folded into a small tight square into the tin Clopin used for collecting money. This was how it had been agreed messages would be communicated between himself and Madeleine. Clopin grinned and bowed

"Merci Monsieur." Henri walked away and Clopin went inside the puppet caravan to read the letter. Opening it he saw Madeleine's loopy script

My Dearest Clopin,

Only a few weeks have passed yet I miss you more than ever. I arrived safely in Lorraine. Sadly my father's illness seems to be worse than the letter conveyed. The doctors know of no cure for his illness. He is forced to stay in bed for the most part which doesn't exactly agree with him. It's strange being back in my quiet little village after the hustle and bustle of Paris. Luckily I have my dear friend Belle to help keep things from getting boring. I hope you and everyone else back in Paris are well. 



Clopin smiled at the letter and taking a piece of paper and a quill began to write his reply.

My Darling Madeleine,

I was quite glad to hear from you. I am sorry for your father's condition. Things are mostly the same here as when you left although the city is missing it's mostly lovely aspect. I'm glad to hear that this Belle is able to help keep you entertained while you are absent from the excitment of Paris. Everyone at court is well although Esmerelda dearly misses you (although not as much as I do mon coeur). It feels like an eternity since you left and I look forward to the day you return. 




Madeleine eagerly awaited the mail cart as usual. She'd received about a letter a month from Clopin and occasionally Esmerelda. She smiled hopefully as the cart pulled up. It had been four months since she returned and she was sorely missing her friends in Paris. Not that she resented looking after her father whose condition was sadly decreasing.

"Anything for me today?" she asked the man driving it.

"Why yes, two letters in fact," the driver said with a jolly smile as he handed her two white letters.

Madeleine looked them over and recognized the handwriting of Clopin and Esmerelda.

"Anything from your beau?" asked a voice behind her, and Madeleine turned to see her friend Belle standing at the house's fence.

"Yes, and one from his cousin." Belle smiled as she brushed a lock of brown hair back from her face.

"I'm glad, you clearly miss him. I honestly envy you having been to Paris. I'd love to get out of this little town."

"With Gaston chasing after you, I'm not surprised. Maybe when I go back you can join me."

"I'd like that," Belle replied. Suddenly a loud boastful voice was heard near the end of the street.

"Speak of the devil," muttered Madeleine.

"I'd better go," said Belle before running off. Madeleine also hurried inside. She no more wanted to see Gaston than Belle did.

Sitting down at the kitchen table she opened the letters. The first one from Clopin made her smile. He was romantic as he always was in their letters. The second was from Esmerelda.

Dear Madeleine,

Well, if I didn't already know Clopin was in love with you this absence confirms it. He's still moping about you being gone. A few women here have tried approaching him but he's rebuffed them all. You truly won his heart. Clopin has promised I'll get to perform at the Festival of Fools this coming year! I'm so excited. I've already started preparing my costume. I hope you are still doing well and I send my best wishes to your father.



Madeleine took two sheets of paper and began writing

Dear Esme,

Congratulations on your dance! I don't know if I'll be back in time to see it but I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job. My father's health continues to decline although I think he has begun to come to terms with it. Not that it makes him much more cooperative. I've never doubted Clopin but I appreciate your update on him. If you need any tips about your costume please let me know. I'd be happy to sew something for you if you'd like to send it. I miss you my friend.

Best Wishes,

Madeleine then began the second letter.

My Dear Clopin,

I'm glad to hear from you again. Your letter's are always the highlight of my day when I get them. Although I wish I could speak to you in person. I'm glad to hear things are going well at Court. Esmerelda seems happy about her dance at the Festival. I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job as King. I mostly spend my days looking after my father, sewing, or helping Belle avoid that oaf Gaston who doesn't seem to take no for an answer. I still miss Paris and hearing the ringing of the bells in Notre Dame. Their toll is truly the soul of the city. I look forward to the day that I can see you again but for now I shall content myself with your letters.

All My Love,



Madeleine sighed sadly as her father's coffin was lowered into the ground. Henri had his arm around her. It had been nearly a year since she had come home to look after her father. While she had been unable to cure him Madeleine was still glad she had come so that her father didn't die alone. 

She had told him about Clopin and true to his kind and accepting nature that he had done his best to instill in his children Benedict Clement had simply been happy his daughter had found someone. He had even given her his blessing. 

Madeleine threw a handful of dirt onto the coffin like the other mourners and dried her eyes with a white handkerchief. She would dearly miss her father. Although at least she hadn't lost him the way Clopin lost his father.

Once the funeral was over Madeleine and Henri returned to their father's house to sort the remainder of his things. They weren't poor so to speak but they also hadn't exactly been rich. Madeleine's heart was heavy  after losing her father and the only thing that lightened it was the knowledge that in a few days time she would be returning to Paris and able to see Clopin again.

Author's Note: Well, there's this weeks chapter! I decided to include Belle due to the little cameo she makes in the opening of Hunchback. Next week we'll be heading into the events of the movie so stay tuned for the next chapter. Until next time!

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