The Proposal

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Clopin made his way slightly nervously to the Clement's house. Of course, he had been there plenty of times before however, never for something as important as what was about to happen.

He  had now known Madeleine for nearly two years and each time he saw her he fell more deeply in love with her. She was beautiful, uncommonly kind, selfless, and supportive. Clopin knew now that if he was going to marry any woman it would be her. First, however, he wanted to get Henri's permission. He knew Madeleine was out with Esmerelda and thus wouldn't be at home.

The Clement's house came into view and Clopin sped up his pace. He knocked on the door and a few moments later Henri answered it. 

"Bonjour Clopin, can I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to ask you something." said Clopin still feeling anxious.

"Please, come in," gestured Henri and he led Clopin into the kitchen where they both sat at the table.

"I have a feeling I know where this is going but go ahead and ask anyway," said Henri with a smile.

"As you know Madeleine and I have been seeing each other for quite some time."

"Yes, the blush on her cheeks every time she comes back from being out with you clued me in on that," Henri said with a wry smile.

"Yes, well, I'd like your permission to ask for her hand."  Henri chuckled.

"I knew it."

"Well? Do I have your permission?" 

"Possibly. But I need you to promise me something regarding her in return," replied Henri, tapping his fingers on his walking stick.

"Anything," Clopin told him eagerly.

"I've never had a problem with the fact that you are a gypsy however I can't pretend that that fact doesn't concern me given Frollo's treatment of your people which I'm afraid to say will probably continue until the miserable old bastard's death. I need you to promise me that you will do everything in your power to protect her from getting caught in the crossfire. She needs to be a priority for you."

"I swear to you on my father's grave that I will do everything I can to keep her safe. I love her to much to let anything happen to her. I'd rather lose my own life," Clopin told him earnestly. Henri smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Good. Then I'll be more than happy to call you my brother-in-law." Clopin also smiled and stood. 

"Well, I'd better go ask her then. After all it is a bit of a moot point if she doesn't accept." Henri laughed.

"Believe me she'll accept." He escorted Clopin to the door. "Go get her." He said shaking Clopin's hand before closing the door. Clopin could not repress the grin on his face.


Clopin found Madeleine sitting on a fountain as she watched Esmerelda perform. It was nearing evening now but there were still a few people out who were willing to throw a coin or to into the hat at Esmerelda's feet. Clopin took a seat next to Madeleine who smiled at him.

"She really is amazing isn't she?" the blond told him in awe.

"Oh yes, she's certainly the best dancer in the Court," agreed Clopin.

"Esme told me you were busy today," Madeleine said raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was. But now I'm not. Which is why I'd like to get a word alone with you." Before Madeleine could reply there was a loud whistle signaling that guards were coming. Esmerelda grabbed the hat and ran with her goat at her heels.

Clopin took Madeleine's hand and pulled her down a side street. Trying to put as much distance between them and the guard. Finally they stopped running having reached the secluded bridge where they had had their first kiss. Both were slightly out of breath.

"Well, I'm getting quite used to that," said Madeleine matter of factly.

"Used to what?" asked Clopin. 

"Running away from guards," she replied with a mischievous smirk. Clopin smiled at the look on her face. It seemed Esme's playfully devious nature was rubbing off on the young Frenchwoman.

Madeleine was now looking down at the rushing water. Clopin approached her.

"There's something I'd like to ask you mon coeur," he said quietly.

"You can ask me anything Clopin," replied Madeleine whose face had now shifted into a gentle smile. Clopin took a deep breath.

"Madeleine Clement, ever since the day you rescued me you managed to capture my interest and not long after my heart. You mean the world to me and I want nothing more than to make you my wife and queen. Will you marry me?" Clopin got down on one knee and held out a simple ring with a moonstone in the center and a few diamonds along the thin gold band. It had belonged to his mother. 

Madeleine clapped her hands to her mouth in shock.

"Oh Clopin! Yes. A thousand time yes!" Clopin slipped the ring onto her finger and the stood up taking her by the waist he picked her up and swung her around, kissing her more passionately than he had ever kissed any woman. 

At last they had to pull apart for air.

"Happy?" he asked softly.

"Immeasurably," replied Madeleine whose smile was brighter than the sun.

Author's Note: Another chapter down! Thanks to everyone who has read and especially those that comment. Please let me know your thoughts below I really appreciate the feedback. It's a seriously great motivator to keep me writing this regularly. Until next week!

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