Secret Meetings

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Just as she completed the final stitches there was a knock at the door. Checking her hair a final time in the mirror Madeleine ran downstairs to answer it.

On the thresh hold were three people. One was a short old man with a balding head and a frizzy white beard. He had a kind old face and similar to the memories of her own grandfather.

The other two were much younger and from their closeness were likely husband and wife both also appeared to be maybe 5 or six years older than her. The man was of average height with curly brown hair and the woman was of similar size with a slim figure and bright red hair that Madeleine could just barely see under the woman's hood.

"This is the Clement house correct?" asked the young man.

"If it isn't we're in rather big trouble," chuckled the old man.

"Yes, that's us," said Henri, coming up behind his sister.

"Please come in," said Madeleine, stepping to the side so they could enter.

The red-haired woman smiled as she removed her hood.

"I'm Ginevra Meunier and this is my husband Fabian," said man nodded. "We own the mill a little way to the North."

"And I'm Byron Leandre. I run the bookstore by Notre Dame. Is anyone else here yet?"

Henri shook his head as they sat down at the table.

"No," replied Henri.

"Can I help you in the kitchen?" offered Ginevra.

"Certainly," replied Madeleine and they headed to the kitchen to get the food and drink.

"So, I hear you're new," said Ginevra. Madeleine nodded.

"Yes, at least I am. Henri's been here for a while."

"It's kind of you and your brother to offer to help," Ginevra told her with a smile.

"We do our best. Even if it seems most of Paris seems to have forgotten the concept of compassion," replied Madeleine picking up a tray with drinks.

They reentered to find that another man had joined them. He inclined his head towards Madeleine.

"Francois Aubert, weaver."

"A pleasure," replied Madeleine as she and Ginevra sat down. Around ten minutes later there was yet another knock on the door. Madeleine rushed up to get it and found Harodain and Clopin standing outside.

"Everyone here?" asked Harodain gruffly.

"Yes," Madeleine answered as they entered.

"Bonsoir Madeleine, you look especially lovely tonight," said Clopin kissing her hand.

"Bonsoir Clopin, and merci," she said with a smile her heart fluttering in her chest

"We can talk more after," Clopin whispered making Madeleine's smile turn to a grin.

"Alright now everybody is here let's get down to business," Harodain said coming to stand at the head of the table.

"As you know the Clements are the latest addition to our circle, replacing the butcher's safehouse."

"Nice to know we aren't the only decent people in Paris," said Francois causing Byron to chuckle.

"Yes, we're all quite grateful," Harodain continued.

"Now I have a small family that we need to get out of the city as soon as possible."

"I'm going to get some more supplies from outside the city, I can take them out in my cart," offered Fabian.

"I think there might be a few too many in this family to board at your place," said Clopin worriedly.

"My house is less full given I don't have children, you could hide them out at my place and Fabian can pick them up the next morning." Francois put in.

"That sounds excellent. Now Byron what about those supplies for the Court, I requested?"

"I have them in. But getting them to you without getting noticed might be tricky," said Byron.

"Madeleine could retrieve them and bring them here," suggested Henri and Madeleine nodded in agreement. It was fascinating seeing everyone working together like this.

"Then I could come get them and bring them to the Court," put in Clopin, perhaps slightly more eagerly than expected.

"Yes, that's your only motivation," Madeleine heard Harodain mutter under his breath. Madeleine's lips twitched upward at this.

More specific details about the various plans were laid out and discussed. By the time they finished they had been talking for two hours.

"We'd better get going, my sister said she'd look after the children but I imagine she wants to get home," commented Ginevra and Fabian nodded in agreement. He didn't seem to be a man off too many words.

"Well, that's about everything finished," said Harodain with a nod. As Madeleine helped get the Meunier's cloaks she asked,

"It's brave of you to do this given you have children." Surprisingly it was Fabian who answered.

"If we turned down those in need, I could never look at my children again. We want them to learn to do the right thing even when it's difficult."

Madeleine nodded in understanding. One by one the people left until only Clopin and Harodain were left. Harodain turned to his son as he left.

"Don't be too long."Clopin nodded.

"I'm going to have a smoke out back," said Henri with a small smile heading outside.

"Alone at last," said Madeleine with a smile. Clopin grinned.

Author's note:Another week another chapter. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.I promise we'll get more Madeleine/Clopin fluff in the next chapter. Thanks toeveryone who has read and especially those who have commented. Your feedback keepsme motivated to keep this story going. Also, yes Ginevra and Fabian are theMiller's family from the movie. Meunier means miller, Leandre means Lion Man(so bravery), and Aubert means noble.

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