Propositions and Witchcraft

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Madeleine spent the rest of the week after her second encounter with Clopin assisting her brother. While largely capable it was clear that his leg, which had been injured in the war limited how much he could get done on his own. 

Madeleine felt only too happy to help. Despite being 15 years her senior Henri and Madeleine where quite close. She had been heartbroken when he left first for the war and then for Paris. Now she relished their time together. 

She found herself thinking  about Clopin quite alot during that time. They had met twice yet she felt a strange connection in a way that she had never experienced before. It was because of this that she found herself looking towards the puppet caravan as she and Henri made their way out of Notre Dame after mass on Sunday. 

"Looking for someone?" asked Henri slyly. Caught in the act Madeleine blushed.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Well, if I'm not much mistaken I would guess you're looking for a glimpse of Clopin, given how longingly you are looking at his caravan. " Henri's tone was teasing Madeleine felt herself blush a deeper shade of red.

"Well, I...He's an interesting man and yes, I would like to see him again. There's nothing more to it." Madeleine said defensively. Henri chuckled at his sister''s reaction and opened his mouth to reply. However his words were cut off by yelling. 

Two gypsy children ran by followed by two large guards. Madeleine saw Henri put his walking stick out to trip up the first soldier who fell quickly followed by his companion. Henri then pretended to fall to the ground. Catching on Madeleine bent down with a cry of worry.

"Oh you foolish men! You just knocked over my poor brother on his bad leg!" Turning back to the guards she scowled.

"Well? Will you help me or not? One would think you'd show more respect for a war hero!" 

Clearly not wanting to look bad after causing a lame Parisian man, and a war hero at that, to fall the guards grudgingly helped Henri stand. As Madeleine guessed Henri had planned the gypsy children were long gone.

"Our apologies sir. It was those gypsy brats..." began the first guard.

"Simply watch where you are going gentlemen. It's not difficult. At least for competent people." Interrupted Henri before leaning on Madeleine's arm and walking away leaving the guards looking miffed.

After walking a ways they passed an alley where out the corner of her eye Madeleine saw Clopin lecturing the two children.

"You could have been caught if it weren't for the Clement's quick thinking. Next time the bystanders may not be so kind! You may be children but that doesn't mean they'll show mercy." His tone was sharp and the two children looked properly ashamed.

"We're sorry Clopin. We won't do it again." Clopin's face softened.

"Good. Then head back to the Court." The two children started to run away before Clopin added. "And stay out of the way of the guards!" He then turned around, coming face to face with the Clement's who had stepped into the alley.

"Are they alright?" asked Madeleine concern filling her. Clopin nodded.

"Yes. Probably a bit frightened more than anything else."

"We're glad we could help," said Henri. "Really chasing after children. It's ridiculous." Madeleine stepped forward smiling at Clopin. Despite the situation she was glad to have found him.

"It's good to see you again," she said. Clopin return her smile. Today he was dressed in a purple tunic and purple hat. Although he maintained his black gloves.

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