"Why can't he just die??"

"What do you think he will do now Oyaji-yoi?" Marco asked Whitebeard in the chaos.

Whitebeard answered, "Nothing good."

The commotion was still going on and Silvia was getting a tick mark on hiss fox mask. She tried to keep herself calm, but she couldn't.

"Shut up!" She shouted onto of all the noise. "You're supposed to be watching!"

"Again, why should we listen to you? You're just a bitch that wants to help the filthy pirate!" Asked Akainu, which he shouldn't have.

Silvia was now mad. No one should call the goddess of time a bitch. It was a big mistake. Her hair started to float up and there was a powerful aura around her to make people shiver. The marks on her fox mask, which were for her eyes, started to glow and everyone in the room felt like they were being suffocated by a force that wasn't known.

"What did you say?" Questioned Silvia in an angered voice. "I, the goddess of time, is a bitch? Do you know I can turn time to make sure that you could die and never been born! You will continue to watch the screen, if not, I cannot grantee that you will be alive to return to the real world!"

Whitebeard spoke up, seeing that his sons were about to pass out. "We understand time goddess, but can you please seal your aura. I do not want any of my sons to be killed."

"I also don't want my crew and the future generation of pirates to die here." Added Shanks as he looked at the goddess. "I don't think Luffy would like it."

At the mention of Luffy's name, the goddess sighed and sealed her aura, making the rest of the people in the room able to breath.

"Fine." Silvia said as she returned to normal. "Just watch the screen and don't make me angry."

The audience gulped and faced the screen, not wanting to anger the time goddess any more than they, more like Akainu, has already had.

"What are you doing here?" Growled Yuko as he placed Rune on the ground and stood protectively over the group. He had a glare and his fists were up. He had to back away from the Scalers, as the elder had ordered it, but now he was going to fight. To get revenge for his twin and to protect them.

"I'm here to collect you. I need you to lead me to the core." Zen said as he was ready to attack of needed.

There was another growl from Yuko as Yuki was pulling out the knives of arm and was holding Luffy, trying not get blood on him. Luffy's eyes watered after seeing the knives in his brother's arms and as the attention was on the marine, Luffy spoke up.

"Ni-chan, are you ok?" He managed to stutter.

Yuki faced his frightened younger brother and smiled, trying to reassure him that he was fine. "I'm fine." He muttered.

"YOHOHOHOHO. Luffy-san cares a lot for his brothers, doesn't he?" Laughed Brook as everyone nodded.

Ace and Sabo were pouting, as Luffy was their brother, but they wondered why Luffy hadn't mentioned his blood related bloods, after all he seemed to care for them.

"Elder, permission to fight?" Asked Yuko and Yuki at the same time.

Elder closed his eyes and sighed. Both twins knew the answer to their own question. Yuki passed Luffy over to the older man and was standing in a fighting position along with his brother.

"You have permission."

Yuko's fists turned into flames and Yuki had an ice pole in his hands. They were in a battle stance that was like they had been in many fights and battled together for all of them.

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