Chapter 24

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   "Because, Senjuro-kun. Why should I arrive in a timely manner when I don't particularly like him and he's bound to be rude either way?" (Y/N) said. It was roughly noon and she was currently sat with tea. She was to leave after she finished but it'd been two hours and she'd barely taken three sips of it, "Besides, he said that I should arrive at my 'earliest convenience,'" she finished, making her voice nasally as she quoted him. Senjuro gave her a blank, disappointed stare which she promptly looked away from.

   "(Y/N)," he called. She didn't look, "Seriously? Just go, it'll be good for you," he continued. When she still didn't respond he began poking at her arm and calling her name repeatedly. She sighed heavily and hung her head. Senjuro stopped calling her name but continued to poke. She batted him away gently.
   "I'll finish my tea and go," she said gloomily. Senjuro cheered as she quickly downed the now room temperature tea and stood, "I'll be back hopefully before dawn," she said, equally as gloomy. Senjuro giggled and waved her off.


   (Y/N) was pouting as she begrudgingly made her way to the sound hashira's estate.
   "Uhm, are uh-you okay?" a timid voice called. She turned to see Genya fiddling with his hands with his head bowed. She smiled softly before shaking her head and sighing.
   "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't wanna deal with Uzui-sama," she groaned, crossing her arms. It was childish but Genya would be lying of he said he didn't find it at least a slight bit endearing.

   "Why do you have to deal with him?" he asked slowly. She looked down and grumbled her response.
   "'Cause I'm his tsugoku now..." her attitude was morose. Genya stared at her with a puzzled expression.
   "You uhm. Don't sound all that, uh, happy about it," he said. She groaned and furrowed her brows.

   "I'm not! He showed up at my house and wouldn't leave until I agreed to train with him or take up being a hashira! He even got Shinjuro-san involved!!" she said, suddenly becoming far more impassioned. Genya flinched slightly at her sudden change in volume prompting a quick apology from her as she realized some of the impact Zenitsu may have left on her personality. Before either could say anything else a chuckle was heard which they both turned to.

   There stood the sound hashira looking down at them with a smug expression. Genya bowed awkwardly while (Y/N) merely glared.
   "Well, I'm glad to see you out, I was worried I'd have to be yelled at by Rengoku-san's father again!" he said cheekily.
   "You said to get there at my earliest convenience. That's what I'm doing," (Y/N) snapped back harshly. Uzui scoffed at her.
   "Well, regardless, we've work to do, let's go. Unless you'd rather me wait until you're doing chatting with your boyfriend?" the two teens before him flushed as he continued, "You're correct in that I said your earliest convenience," he finished with a condescending grin.

   Genya attempted to stutter out a response but was overshadowed by (Y/N)'s flustered shouting,
   "He's not my boyfriend! Ugh, let's just go. What do you want me to do?" she said, her face still feeling red hot as she walked ahead, shoving Uzui in the process. He laughed at her, pleased to have gotten the reaction he wanted and waved absently towards Genya who returned it just barely.

   As the two left Genya brought his hands to his face, effectively covering it as he groaned. He hoped that he could still maintain his acquaintanceship with the girl but he hopes were somewhat dashed as that was the only girl he'd managed to even have a somewhat normal conversation with. He slowly uncovered his face and sighed, praying he could get over his crippling shyness around the opposite gender for at least a few moments the next time they had a short conversation as he resumed his walk to the butterfly estate.


   The walk with the sound hashira and his rather unwilling tsugoku was silent, something Uzui was not a fan of.
   "So, how long have you guys been dating?" he asked, knowing full well it'd irritate the girl further.
   "We're not dating! We've only ever talked like three times! Just shut up," she said harshly before mumbling the last sentence. The hashira laughed at her outburst which only served to embarrass her further.
   "Well, if you ever want help in romance I could give you excellent advice, I mean, I have three wives after all!" he boasted. (Y/N) stayed silent and kicked at rocks along the path.

   Upon reaching Uzui's estate he dropped the teasing and grew serious.
   "So, you know the first and sixth form, yes?" (Y/N) nodded at his question, adapting his more serious attitude, "Alright, my goal here is to teach you as much of the other forms as possible without tipping of Shinazugawa-san. First, we need to get you trained on how to be stealthier. Are you ready?" he asked, smirking at the end. (Y/N) nodded once more, feeling a rush of excitement. She may not have cared for Uzui all that much but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited to grow stronger and better.

y'all I'm so sorry I haven't updated (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

this is also shorter than my usual chapters but I just was needing to push through. I've had major writer's block and I recently (not really recent, it's been a full month now) got a job which has drained me to the point where when I get home all I really care to do is play Mario kart on my switch. I'mma try and update more now that I feel more motivated, anyways, hope you're having a good one, I'll try to make the next chapter the usual length

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