Chapter 23

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   A few days had passed sence (Y/N) had tea with Genya and she was currently lying face first in her pillow. Senjuro was sat at the edge of the bed with a hand placed on her back as he waved the other around while talking.
   "(Y/N)-chan, I think you should go and tell the Oyakata-sama that you changed your mind and will take up being a hashira!" he said cheerfully. (Y/N) groaned into the pillow before lifting her head to speak.

   "But Sennnnjuro-kunnn, I'm not ready! And then I'll-I'll disgrace Kyojuro-san's memory and then I'll probably die or something because I'm not on par with the rest of them but I'd still be getting the same caliber of missions as them and then I'll go down in history as the worst hasira ever!" she said, speaking faster with each word. She let her head fall back into the pillow, "And even if I don't die I'll lose all my friends because I'm such a loser and everyone will hate me," she finished. It was partially muffled by the pillow but still understandable. Senjuro rolled his eyes.

   "Oh come on! It's not that bad-" he started before being cut off.
   "(Y/N)!" another voice sounded. Both teens jumped and looked to the doorway to see Shinjuro with a clear frown. He stepped closer, "Get your ass up! If you won't take the position you're at least going to become a tsugoku again!" the girl was taken aback.
   "B-But Shinju-"
   "No! First of all, the whole point of a tsugoku is to take up the mantle after the hashira training them either dies or retires. Whichever comes first so you've clearly already missed the point. But you're at least training with that annoying sound hashira! Besides, you'll get along great, he said he won't leave unless you agree to become his tsugoku. The only other condition he gave was if you change your mind of being a hashira," Shinjuro lectured. He was not having any of the girl's whining or excuses.

   "Wuh-why would that uh uh uh...make us get along good?" she asked, though stalled would be a better word. Shinjuro smirked and looked down at the girl.
   "Isn't that exactly what you did to become a tsugoku in the first place?" he answered. (Y/N) felt red hot embarrassment hit her and she looked down, "Kyojuro told me how if none of the hashira agreed to train you your plan was to sit around and be annoying enough for them to agree simply to shut you up," his condescending tone would have normally irritated the girl but she was far too embarrassed to give a rebuttal.

   Instead, she slowly got up from her bed and wordlessly fastened her sword to her side, threw on her haori, and left the room. Senjuro turned to his father timidly.
   "Don't you think that was a tad harsh?" Shinjuro grunted and gave a small shrug.
   "She's not sitting here complaining about it anymore, is she?" he asked in return before leaving. Senjuro watched him leave before looking at the wall, pondering other possible ways that could have been handled but reasoning that tough love did seem to be the only way that would have worked out.


   "I'm so glad you agreed!" Uzui said happily, walking along cheerfully. (Y/N) sighed, a ticked off expression on her face.
   "Yeah, well. You got Shinjuro-san involved. I didn't have a choice," she said, eyeing him. He didn't bother looking at her and gave a hearty laugh. She groaned and looked ahead, accepting the fact that she wasn't going to get any response she felt satisfied with.

   They walked along in silence until they reached Uzui's house he ushered her in quickly, and had her sit at a table with intricate designs engraved in it.
   "Excuse me for a moment, there's some people I'd like you to meet, let me go get them," he said before disappearing down a hall. (Y/N) took the time to properly look around and noticed that the table was not alone in it's intricacy. Brilliant colors with gorgeous designs were everywhere. Despite all of them being loud and obnoxious on their own they meshed perfectly together. Whoever designed the room, and presumably the rest of the house, had impeccable taste.

   Uzui returned with three women following behind him. The four each took a seat and Uzui spoke.
   "(Y/N), these are my wives, Makio, Suma, and Hinasturu," he said, gesturing to a woman with black hair and blonde bangs, a woman with a somewhat timid expression with short black hair and choppy bangs, and a woman with a serene expression and long black hair pulled into a pony tail. (Y/N) took in their features, noting their beauty and shook her head softly.
   "I'm sorry, which one is your wife?" she asked. There was no way that this cocky asshole was given good looks, talent, and not just one, but three gorgeous brides. It simply wasn't fair. Uzui smirked.
   "All three of them," he flashed her a smile and posed with his hand on his temple. (Y/N) looked down, dejected. If she had ever met someone who was smiled upon by the gods, here he was. Hinasturu chuckled softly.

   "So your name is (Y/N), yes?" she asked with a voice that was soft and kind. The girl nodded.
    "Yes, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. All of you," she said, bowing her head slightly. Hinasturu smiled at her.
   "The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N)-chan!" the girl returned her smile. Makio grinned at her, looking her over quickly before turning her gaze to her husband.
   "Tengen-sama, have you told her your plan for the demon yet?" she asked, sparking intrigue in (Y/N).

   He shook his head and looked at the teenager before him. His smile was gone and while (Y/N) could tell he wasn't someone with a permanent smile like Kyojuro, she understood that he was deathly serious. His cocky attitude was gone and replaced with a emotion that the girl couldn't pinpoint but still felt the effects of as she sat up a bit more straight and gave more of her attention.

   "Have you heard of the red light district?" he asked. (Y/N) shook her head slowly.
   "N-No. I had never stepped foot out of my village in the forest before joining the corps. Outside of that I've only gone where my missions are, I'm not very well traveled I admit," she answered, feeling somewhat embarrassed. He nodded, not seeming to care about her bashfulness.

   "It's a place of lust, chock full of prostitutes, and we have reason to believe a demon resides there. I've visited as a customer and found nothing suspicious so I'll be sending my wives in to infiltrate the brothels. There's a lot so it'll take quite some time to narrow down the exact whereabouts. All of my wives are top ninja so they'll be fine. Any questions?" he finished. (Y/N) cleared her throat and repositioned herself awkwardly.

   "So, where exactly do I factor in? You said you'd train me and help me see some of the other wind breathing forms so I wouldn't be going with them, so what's the point of bothering to take me under your wing?" she asked. He smiled, seeming pleased with her response.
   "Well, once we narrow it down, I'll need someone to sell off into the houses. I obviously wouldn't pass for a woman, so," he said, shooting a condescending smile her way. She frowned.
   "So you pestered me to become your tsugoku so you could have someone to sell to a brothel?" she asked, annoyed. He nodded with a cheerful smile.
   "Of course I'll teach you how to be more stealthy and help you learn more of the wind breathing style. And of course to be more flamboyant, you could use it," he said looking at her cockily.

   (Y/N) stood, ticked off and looked at the hashira with disdain.
   "Fine. What time do you want me here tomorrow?" she asked. He smirked at her.
   "At your earliest convenience, of course! I'd hate to throw off your schedule," he said, leaning forward and resting his head on his hand. She narrowed her eyes at him and turned away.
   "I'll get here when I get here," she snapped as she already started walking away. Uzui chuckled, not bothering to wait until the girl was out of earshot to discuss his thoughts on her with his wives, successfully irritating the girl further as she stormed out.

It is so unfair that Uzui gets good looks and good looking partners and it makes my bi ass lose it

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