Chapter 20

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   The three talked for a while more before Tanjiro had to leave. Senjuro promised to figure out more about the records as they went to the entrance of the estate. (Y/N) was going to walk the injured boy back to the butterfly mansion but before they left Senjuro held out a cloth with Kyojuro's sword guard in it.
   "Here, Tanjiro-san, this is the guard from my brother's nichirin blade," he said.

   "I-I can't accept something so valuable...besides, shouldn't (Y/N) get it?" Tanjiro said, looking to the girl for approval. She shook her head.
   "I already have a sword guard I like quite a lot. Besides, he's already influenced the way I perform certain attacks and the way I hold myself. It's momento enough," she said, running her finger along the clouds decorating her own guard.
   "Tanjiro-san, the two of us already talked about it we both would like you to have it," Senjuro added, holding out the gift once more. The boy finally accepted after some convincing and left with (Y/N).


   "Hey uh, Tanjiro-san? You alright? You're breathing really heavily," (Y/N) asked softly. He nodded.
   "I'm just a bit tired but I'll be alright," he said, giving the girl a determined smile. There was a light scratching at the box so Tanjiro gave it a pat, "Don't worry, Nezuko, we'll be back at the mansion soon," he said to her. (Y/N) smiled at the small interaction before both of them turned to look around, having heard steps. (Y/N) gave a confused look to the person down the road while Tanjiro looked absolutely terrified.

   "Ha-Haganezuka-san? Why do you have so many knives?" (Y/N) asked. She had kept her sword in pristine condition and, outside of some minor chips that were inevitable, had no idea the wrath that her swordsmith had towards those that broke or lost swords. Unfortunately, Tanjiro was a repeated offender. She looked at Tanjiro who gave her a quick glance back, "Why has my swordsmith adorned himself with knives?" she asked, his look gave away his understanding of the situation.

   "He's my swordsmith too and I've already broken a sword fighting lower moon five saw me throw my other at Akaza..." he said sheepishly. She looked back at the enraged man as he bayan charging at the duo.
   "What the hell were you thinking losing that sword, you bastard!!" the swordsmith yelled, brandishing his knives and telling Tanjiro he deserved death. The boy began running away as the man ran completely passed (Y/N) who watched with curiosity at the chaotic scene unfolding. They went on chasing each other for a while before the man calmed down and as terrible as it was, (Y/N) never lifted a finger to help. She didn't want a knife swung at her and Tanjiro seemed to be equiped to deal with it himself.


   It was about a week or so later when Mizuki appeared in (Y/N)'s window sill. She had done some very minor and easy missions but the crow's message was different today. She was to report to Master Ubuyashiki. The girl felt concerned as her mind wondered to all the possible things he could want. She got herself out of the Rengoku estate quickly and made her way to her destination. As she got closer her anxieties grew and with each passing steps her predictions as to what he could want grew worse and worse.

   She got to the entrance of his estate and waited patiently, kicking at some of the rocks along the ground. It wasn't long before the girl was joined by Mitsuri who's face notibly brightened at the realization that the younger girl was there. She jogged the rest of the way, waving both arms eagerly and calling out a greeting. (Y/N) looked up from the rocks and pebbles she had previously been preoccupied with and gave a small smile to the enthused hashira.

   "(Y/N)-chan! My fellow sakura mochi lover! How are you?" Mitsuri said happily. (Y/N) shrugged, not quite sure how to respond. She was still grieving and, while not wanting to lie, didn't want to bring the mood down.
   "I've been better I suppose. How about you?" the girl said, looking at her superior with a slightly forced smile. Misturi's face fell as she looked down, her green eyes downcast.

   "Sorry. That was a bad question to ask," she mumbled. (Y/N) shifted her stance, uncomfortable with the atmosphere of the conversation due to her more honest response. It was only then that (Y/N) remembered Mitsuri mentioning that Kyojuro had trained her as well and felt guilt pool in her stomach. She shook her head softly.

   "No no, it's alright, Mitsuri-sama. Anyways. What brings you here?" (Y/N) asked softly, not wanting to bring the conversation down as she wasn't yet ready to actually talk about the events after defeating lower moon one. Mitsuri cought on quickly, happily accepting the invitation to change conversation topics.
   "First of all, sama is way to formal for me, san is more than fine! And to answer your question, Oyakata-sama called me for a hashira meeting, it's safe to say the rest of us will be here soon as well," she said with a bright smile. It was hard to believe that this was the same person who looked to be on the verge of tears moments earlier.

   "What about you? Gonna meet up with Gennnnyaaaa~?" Mitsuri asked in a sing-song way as she nudged the girl's arm with her elbow and waggled her eyebrows. (Y/N) scoffed and crossed her arms, looking away with a glare as she felt beads of sweat form on her forehead due to her face heating up.
   "As if!" she said, opening her mouth to likely give more reason she wasn't before remembering the actual reason she was here. She uncrossed her arms and brought her hands to her hips with a bemused expression, "Actually I'm here because Oyakata-sama called for me as well. But that doesn't make any sense if he's calling a hashira meeting," she said, trailing off slightly as she went on.

   Mitsuri hummed before shrugging, "I dunno what that's about, but we'll find out soon enough!" she said in a happy tone. (Y/N) nodded and smiled, opening her mouth to speak but being interrupted by the sound of footsteps. She turned to see that Tomioka, Iguro, and Shinazugawa were approaching. She found it rather odd as the water hashira walked a few feet away from the other two and seemed completely unaware of the animosity they bore while side eyeing him.

   Tomioka gave a small wave as Mitsuri called out. Iguro's eyes softened for a moment at her before turning to (Y/N) and glaring daggers. Shinazugawa paid no mind to the love hashira's greeting, instead opting to glare at the former tsugoku. (Y/N) felt a chill go down her spine. Dealing with Iguro had been one thing but both men were giving her looks that could kill. If she were being honest, though she hid it decently well, she was truly intimidated by the duo. A very bad idea made it's way to the fore front of her mind. She didn't want to risk making Shinazugawa hate her more but if it meant getting on Iguro's nerves, she saw it as a win.

   "Hello Iguro-sama! It's been a while, I hope you've been well!" (Y/N) said in a chipper tone. Tomioka seemed somewhat confused and Shinazugawa chuckled slightly. Iguro narrowed his eyes before glancing briefly at Mitsuri, who gave a puzzled expression in return, and angrily made his way to the tree a few feet away and quickly scaling it. He plopped down with evident annoyance and turned away. (Y/N) looked back at the wind hashira who walked past her and took his place, standing and waiting for the master. Tomioka stood a few feet away and looked at the rocks.

   Shinobu came after them and joined Mitsuri and (Y/N) in idle chit chat followed by a tall muscular man with make-up and jewelry showed up and eventually an even taller, more muscular blind man joined. A few moments later a boy who seemed to be a bit younger than (Y/N) arrived as well. (Y/N) felt her nervousness grow. Mitsuri and Shinobu knew that she had been summoned by the master as well but none of the other hashira knew and they were intimidating to say the least. A few of them seemed to cast judgmental glaces her way every so often and it was starting to wear on her.

   The one with make-up and the flashy headpiece walked over, staring at the girl with interest. There was a playful smile on his lips and a curious look in his eyes. Once he got to the three girls; however, he was cut off from any potential questioning by the door being gently slid open. The eight hashira started to form a horizontal line before the estate with (Y/N) quickly following suit, ending up between the man with the jewelry and Shinazugawa. The unknown one gave her a curious look, seemingly still confused as to why she was still a part of the group while the wind hashira side eyed her. Her nerves were shot and she dug her nails into her palms slightly to stop herself from shaking.

   The door opened to reveal the of the master's daughters. They announced that he was ready to see them and stood by, staring blankly into the distance. Ubuyashiki walked out slowly and placed a hand on either of his children's shoulders. The hashira quickly kneeled before him while (Y/N) followed suit. She felt awkward and unwelcome. Her slower response only perpetuated it. The master cleared his throat softly before speaking.

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