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living with the jeon twins for the day turned out to be a bit eventful. they were worse than taehyung when it came to looking after babies.

they couldn't change a diaper. they couldn't lock a diaper.

it was stressful for taehyung to change diapers, but it was more stressful for him to teach the new fathers.

after giving the babies their baths and setting them to sleep, they finally settle down on the couch, the brothers exhausted.

"i'm exhausted. famished as well. who knew taking care of babies was this difficult."

"swears. we should probably order something to eat."

"definitely." jeongguk replies, watching as his brother walks off, phone on ear.

after waiting for a few minutes, jungkook returns to the couch, sitting beside his brother.

"can you believe we did all this?" he says after about a minute of silence.

"what? ruined the chances of having a beautiful relationship with our mate? yeah. we were so fucking stupid. still are."

"i regret every single thing. what were we thinking? we abandoned our mate because of some girls."

"we were supposed to stick with him from the start. the moon goddess probably regrets letting us have a mate and finding him." jeongguk says, holding his chest, feeling his throat close up and his nose tingle.

"i can't even put into words how much i hate myself and my actions right now. if we didn't have fun with those girls, they'd be alive right now and we'd be happy with taehyung and our children. i don't know what i'll do if taehyung actually rejects us." jungkook mumbles, patting his brother's shoulders, attempting to comfort him.

"it's not like we don't deserve it. we deserve worse." jeongguk wipes his eyes sighing, his ears perking up at the foreign sound.

"he's... he's weeping. was he listening?"

"he wasn't. he's been like that for a bit."

the little cries of taehyung could be heard by the brothers thanks to their advanced hearing.

they could feel the emotions taehyung was feeling, and although they could feel it before, they never paid mind to it.

"it hurts so much." jungkook says, his resolve finally breaking as he walks to the front of the bedroom, settling in the ground.

his mate was in there, crying and he could do nothing about it. because of his selfish desires, he broke, destroyed what could have been a wonderful relationship before it even started.

"i'm sorry tae." he whispers, his hand in the door, trying to reach the male who was in the other side of the door.

"we're sorry." jeongguk says, now kneeling in front of the door as well.


when the brothers had woken up the next morning, still in front of taehyung's door, they had blankets and pillows with them.

with a shared understanding that taehyung had left them the items, they were grateful.

no matter how bad they had treated their mate, he still cared for them deeply.

rising from the floor, they walk into the kitchen to see the said male having breakfast, a glass of milk beside the plate which was in front of him.

"good morning." jeongguk greets as he fills a glass of water, gulping it down.

jungkook stands in one side of the kitchen, too nervous to move.

taehyung pushed out his chair, losing his appetite as he walks out of the kitchen towards his bedroom.

jungkook sighs, watching the retreating figure.

"i miss him." he finally says.

"i miss him too."


"i don't know my loves. am i being to harsh on them? i don't know this feeling that makes me want to run into their arms and stay there forever but at the same time, i want to be as far away as possible from them. what should i do?" taehyung sighs, rubbing his forehead.

he could hear the front door open and close and suddenly, the apartment was quiet.

"did they leave?" taehyung questions, peeking his head out of the room, sighing as the house seemed empty.

"it's good anyway. i need to take a shower." he says as he grabs a towel and walks into the bathroom.

he pops back into the room a few seconds later.

"please be patient my loves. mummy needs to take a shower. i love you!" he says, running into the bathroom.



so! yeah. that happened. the jeons are regretting their life choices.

which I'm happy about. like why would they hurt tae like that and go scot free?


see y'all later. next chapter?


y'all should listen to weekly's  "top secret".

that song gives me the the feels and I don't even know what I'm feeling.


I'm remembering something that hasn't happened before and it makes me very happy.

even when I don't know what it is lololol.

use headphones! it'll drive you crazy like it did to me hopefully.


peace out 💟

ps: sorry for the filler!

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