"We will have to look around to see if there is anything that we can pick up while you do that."Deucalion motioned to kali to where he wanted her to look,despite her clear misgivings about stiles she still got to work.

"It seems like she used magic to appear behind them and then attack and she left no evidence other than where the body lies"kali said coming back to them

"I was able to find some more footprints and took some pictures of them,we also have the name of the victim,I started going to through there social media's and I'm still trying to find out why he was chosen and what group he's apart of." Stiles rambled,ignoring the small black dots entering his vision.He was aware that Ennis frowning at him slightly while sniffing the air.

"The magic she used to cover up the real scent of her magic is very distinctive but it's traceable hopefully she will slip up at some point," stiles stated. Deucalion sighed before reacting to Ennis making an alarming sound "what,what happened?"

"The kid...he passed out,"Ennis adjusted stiles in his arms "he stinks of hunger and exhaustion."

Deucalion reached out and took the human out of Ennis's arms,easily lifting him up and putting him in his arms putting his face in stiles neck.

"There is barley any scent of the hale pack on him,no more than you would expect to find from a student from his school." Deucalion frowned

"But they definitely were here...they were the ones who called him,"Ennis said looking up from stiles phone

"The twins said the hale pack were quite harsh with him when he was trying to explain things about the darach."

"Either way they have not noticed how exhausted and hungry he is or his stupid ass pack just ignored him." Deucalion scowled .

"What are we going to do with him,it's not like we can leave him here."kali sighed

"Kali!" Ennis huffed

"We're going to have to take him with us I don't want to leave him here so vulnerable and alone..."Deucalion scowled once again holding the frail human closer to his body. "I smell blood on him." Deucalion snapped sharply

"It isn't what made him pass out but it's there." Ennis agreed stepping closer and sniffing

"Come I want to get him back to the pack house,check him over and give him a damm meal." Deucalion said while turning away to walk back to the car."he's lighter than a child." Deucalion noted to himself

"The way you smell him doesn't seem you see him like a child." Ennis teased after hearing him only laughing when the alpha growled at him.

Huffing and throwing her hands up in the air,and followed them
Time skip to when he woke up cause I can
"Fuck,again?" Stiles groaned sitting up gripping his head in pain

"This is not the first time you have passed out from exhaustion?" The smooth voice he immediately recognised asking with fake calmness.

He opened his eyes cautiously to see that he was indeed lying in a bed with Deucalion seated beside him book in his hand his finger paused half way across the page.

He sat up in bed a little looking around confusedly at the massive room he was in,

"Stiles? You have not answers my question,has this happens before?" Deucalion said snapping his book closed

"A couple of times, i just tired." Stiles muttered

"And healing." Deucalion said softly

"What?" Stiles said sucking a breath in
Looking at him wide-eyed

"We smelled blood on you and bought you back here Ennis checked you over and said you have signs of bruises that are nearly healed and cuts and old scars all over your arms that look very deep."Deucalion continued before stiles could say anything "we're sorry for breaching your privacy but we were worried about you..."

"I...I don't know what to say,"stiles admitted pushing himself up so he was sitting against the head bored

Deucalion frowned deeper his nostrils flaring as he scented the air,he moved closer to stiles in the bed and reached out to take stiles's hand in his own,before the human could ask what he was doing he dropped back leaning against the pillow the pain he has endured finally seeped out of him,

Stiles looked down to see black vines coming out of Deucalion's arm

"How are you doing that? Is it an alpha thing or and alpha pack thing?" Stiles asked curiously before frowning a little and asking "is this hurting you?"

"You mean none of your so called pack took your pain for you?" Deucalion asked with a slight growl rumbling in his chest

"So this is something all werewolf's can do?" Stiles sighed while looking down and the black veins running up Deucalion's arm again thinking about all of the times they could've helped him but didn't

"Yes this is a werewolf thing that all of us can do,in the wild it provides comfort to hurt pack members."Deucalion said with a slight frown

"Right," stiles sighed closing his eyes just enjoying not being in pain just trying to enjoy the moment

Sadly he had a slightly scary alpha perched near him holding his hand
And it didn't seem like it was letting go anytime soon.

Okay so ik that was kinda a bad ending to this chapter but thanks for reading it anyway lol

-1498 words-

From your lovely author

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