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Emily's POV
"She's ok."

I let out a breath and Franklin led me to JJ's room. She was awake and smiled when she saw me.

"Emily." She smiled. "You're a little high aren't you.?" She nodded. "No getting shot from now on. Deal?"

"Deal." I went to sit on the chair but she threw a pillow at me. "I did not get shot for you to sit away from me." She moved the blanket over and I joined her in the hospital bed.

"Franklin come here." She said. He walked over and sat by the bed. "I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you. Both of you." She said.

"Well good. Cause my kid needs both grandmas. Not just Emily. Someone needs to keep her sane." I rolled my eyes and leaned into JJ.

The team came in eventually and I fell asleep. When I woke up, JJ was packing a bag. It was time to go home. Franklin had stayed at the hotel so he got to fly back with us.

We sat on the couch and I let JJ fall asleep. Franklin was talking with Spencer and I just smiled. We did good with that one.

As soon as we got back, Penelope brought her signature I'm Sorry You Got Shot gift basket. I had received 2, Elle got 3, Derek had gotten like 9, Spencer got 2 and I don't think Hotch ever got one.

This was JJ's first basket. We all went to the house and Penelope had gone all out. She got blankets and candy and coffee.

"I don't remember being treated like this. I just got a container of coffee." Elle groaned. Penelope threw a bow at her.

"Yeah well I didn't think it was going to happen as often as it did." She sighed.

Sophia met us at the house and everyone attacked her with questions. It was funny seeing them get all flustered.

When JJ started yawning, everyone started leaving. Franklin and Sophia left to go home, JJ insisted. Hotch stayed back to help clean up. I brought him the dishes and he started cleaning.

"She's fine. Nothing bad happened." He said. I looked at him and almost hit him. "Nothing bad? She got shot. I almost lost her Aaron. That's nothing to you?" I didn't yell loud enough for JJ to hear, but he knows I'm mad.

"Prentiss she could have died. And she's sitting on that couch the next day. Some of us aren't that lucky." He sighed.

Shit. Haley. I'm a bitch.

"I'm sorry. I just get terrified. She's been stabbed and shot because she was with me."

"No. Don't think that way. It's this job. Go to bed, I'll finish this. Go sleep." He said. I didn't want to fight so I went to lay with JJ in bed.

"Everything ok?" She asked. I just nodded. "Liar." She smiled. She moved the sheets and I moved closer to her. I went to lay down but she grabbed my hand.

"Emily I'm ok. I am perfectly ok." I smiled at her and she pulled me into her. I sat with my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my hair.

"Thank you."
"No need."

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