going back

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After our talk with Franklin, we decided to have a team dinner to allow everyone to meet him. Pen planned it all, obviously, and we were having pizza.

We went to a pizzeria and we were late. When we walked in Rossi immediately came and hugged us. Everyone followed and we introduced Franklin.

After we all sat down Elle and I started talking about her pregnancy. We hadn't seen her in a while and she looked amazing.

She was saying how morning sickness was not horrible. Spencer was trying to chime in, but I think he was stressed out. Her due date was coming up quick and I'm sure he has been crazy about it.

When I looked over at Franklin I saw him playing with Penelope and Derek. They were looking at something hilarious on Derek's phone.

"Now if you ever need something just bring this up and they will say yes." I heard him say. Oh no.

The waitress brought our pizza over and we split it up pretty evenly. Emily hates olives on her pizza and her slice had a corner of an olive. She went crazy. It was fucking hilarious.

After dealing with my two children, I got to eat it was the first time I have had anything at a restaurant in a while. We helped clear the table and we all started talking.

When I looked over at Franklin he was asleep in his chair. I pointed it out to Emily and we agreed to head home. Everyone said their goodbyes and separated in the parking lot.

"So I was talking with Hotch about going back to work." Emily said after putting Franklin down. "Franklin is going to preschool and we can get back to the team."

"I know. But I really like not having to work. It's nice to have nothing to do. I don't want to go back to the chaos yet. He starts school in a couple days and his first day of school can be our first day back." I smiled.

Franklin broke my heart. When we dropped him off to preschool he didn't even get sad. Like I almost cried in front of all of the parents and he just ran away.

Emily laughed at me on the way to work but I don't care. At least it meant he was okay with leaving for a little bit.

My desk had a pile of files on it. I started going through them like I normally did and landed on a case and brought it to Hotch. I did that all day.

Honestly being back wasn't horrible. The first week was slow but once I caught up, it was better. So far we didn't have to travel anywhere but I think Hotch has been trying to delay that.

Everything was going smoothly until Hotch came into my office. He started talking about trying to keep us close to home. But I know all he's gonna say is we have to leave.

When he left I went straight to Penelope's. I gave her the dates of the case and I just asked if Franklin could sit in her office for a little bit. We haven't had time to find a good sitter.

"Oh my darling of course. He can just spend time with me in here and I can watch him while you're gone. It'll be so fun."

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