happy tears

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Emily's POV
After a week of getting settled, we invited Pen over to decorate and meet her godson, but she didn't know that part yet.

"So is aunt Penelope like a big sister?" Franklin asked while we were shopping. "Ehh kinda." I said. "Being a godmother basically means that if anything happens to us, she can take care of you. And if you ever need anything, or a person to talk to, she's always there." JJ stepped in and said.

"So if you both get tummy aches I go with her until your better?" Fuck fuck fuck that almost made me cry.

I saw JJ slowly lose her smile so I took over. I picked up Franklin and put him on my hip. "Kinda yeah. But if something bigger happened. Like if we got really sick and couldn't take care of you." I said trying not to cry.

"Ok. Can I show Penelope my toys tonight?" He said trying to get down. JJ grabbed him and held him in front of her.

"Only if we get to play with them too." She smiled. Franklin tried to wiggle down but couldn't. He just sat on her hip until we left.

We got dinner ready and set the table for the four of us. Franklin wanted to show Penelope how good he was at spinning spaghetti. We got a knock on the door and JJ got it.

"So I know you said no gifts but I don't think it would have been right to do that so I didn't listen. And also I paid your doorman to help bring them up." She said as soon as the door opened.

"Penelope, we assumed you would." JJ said hugging her. They walked into the dining room and Penelope grabbed garlic bread.

"When I tell you nothing has smelled more amazing I mean it." We just rolled our eyes and Franklin ran into the kitchen.

"Kid she's here." I yelled to him. He ran out and stopped when he saw her. "Are you aunt Penelope?" He asked.

She nodded and he immediately ran at her leg. "Oh my god you are the cutest thing to ever exist." She said pulling him up.

"Ok kisses later. Right now dinner." I said splitting them up. We all sat around the table as Franklin showed off his skills.

"We have something we want to tell you." Jennifer said when we sat at the couch. She nodded at Franklin and it was his moment. "Can you be my dog mother?" He yelled with a huge smile on his face.

Pen grabbed him so quickly and started ranting. "I will assume he met godmother but I don't care. I'm his dog mother. Ugh you all are making me cry." She said as we all joined in for a hug.

The doorman brought everything up and we started sorting through it all. "This is for Emily." Pen said passing me a big box.

"Fuck yeah it's the Batman lego set." I said seeing it. "Oh shit." I whispered as JJ dropped her jaw. "Emily Prentiss-Jareau, if you just taught our kid curse words I might murder you."

"He didn't hear it. Probably." I said in defeat. We brought everything to his room and let Penelope help set it all up.

"We have to tell him Em. What happens if one day we are just gone? We can't put this off. We aren't just getting sick." JJ quietly cried.

"I know. We will tell him as soon as Pen leaves. I promise. It will be okay." I said. "What's wrong mama?" Came from behind us.

"Oh kiddo, I'm just so happy you met Penelope." JJ covered, picking him up. "So happy tears?"

"Happy tears." She smiled back. Penelope left a little while after, she saw the tears and knew.

We got him all ready for bed and sat next to him. "So kiddo, remember what I said about uf something happens to us?" JJ asked and he nodded.

"Well it isn't just if we get sick. With our jobs we might get hurt. It has happened and it may happen again. So if me or mommy get really really hurt you might go with Pen." She started.

"What do you mean hurt?"

"We mean if we die Franklin. We could get hurt at our job and might get really bad." I tried to finish.

"But then you'll leave me." He whispered. I started crying and JJ took over again.

"I know. And we don't want to. But it may happen. And we just wanted to tell you."

He nodded and just sat there. We asked if he was ok and he just wanted to sleep in our bed. JJ grabbed him as I got the bed ready.

The three of us got in bed and we all fell asleep.

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