Chapter 9: A sunny morning

Start from the beginning

All the children except Bronwyn seemed to accept this. "Why doesn't Miss Caroline want to spend breakfast with us?" "She does." Bronwyn was now grumpy. "Then where is she?" Alma was about to answer when they could all hear an answer from behind the doors of the dining room. "Don't worry dear, I'm here." The Children turned to the doors as Caroline came in, this time she was in a new outfit.

She wore a black long-sleeved dress with a thin black belt. The dresses sleeves poofed out from the elbow and were accompanied by a pair of dark grey gloves. Her dress fell to just below her knees and was longer in the back, the skirt of the dress also had a slit on the left that ran down to the bottom of the skirt from her mid-thigh. She wore the same boots, socks and makeup as yesterday. Alma thought she was gorgeous.

"Miss Caroline!" She was met with a bear hug from Bronwyn and Claire. She laughed with them and lifted them off of the ground and into her arms. "How are you two today?" "Great!" "Fantastic!" "let's keep it that way, shall we?" They both nodded with enthusiasm and Alma laughed slightly. "You can play with Caroline later; you all need breakfast first." Caroline rolled her eyes. "what's for breakfast then?" "As I promised, Pancakes." Caroline bit her cheek. "Do I have to eat them?" "Yours are blueberry. " Alma Saw the way Caroline's eyes lit up and Alma inwardly smirked. "You win this time, you sneaky bird."

Breakfast was enjoyable, Caroline avoided questions about her past and peculiarity from the children. Alma could see how uncomfortable Caroline was by end, so she decided to change the subject.

"So, children, who is Caroline spending time with first?" They all started talking over one another as they were trying to have Caroline to themselves. "Right, there's only one way to settle this, who's the youngest?" They were all quiet as the twins raised their hands in unison. "So, Alma, what do the twins do?"

Alma was scared of having Caroline look at her as they had avoided gazes all morning. When they finally glanced at each other there was a silent moment of just looking. Before they were interrupted by Claire whispering to Fiona. "They look like a couple." The two started laughing and Alma and Caroline looked away from each other.

"Um... They usually play on the seesaw or occasionally play football with Hugh and Millard." Caroline smiled. "Would like me to just watch or do you need help?" The twins each held up two fingers on their left hand. "of course, I can help you two." they nodded before Alma spoke up.

"Children, before you can play with Miss Caroline you need to do your chores." The children all groaned before Alma was met with a reluctant chorus or agreement. "Yes, Miss Peregrine." Caroline giggled as the children grumbled before leaving the table.

"They could at least put their plates in the sink." Caroline laughed. "Oh, my Precious Bird, they're just excited." Alma almost dropped the plates she was holding. "What did you just call me?" Caroline's laugh was nervous this time. "My precious bird...?" Alma thought for a few moments. "Why?" "I don't know. I just liked the sound of it. I can, not call you that if you want. You won't have to ever hear it again."

Alma gently rested her hand on Caroline's shoulder and both of them froze. "No, it's fine. I was just surprised. I mean you did call one of my fellow ymbryne an angry ass bird, I honestly feel kind of honoured." Caroline snorted and Alma smiled. "Sure, if that makes you feel nice." "what's that supposed to mean?" "don't worry about it." Alma rolled her eyes playfully. "Honestly, you're such a child."

Caroline flashed a bright smile. "I know." "That was not a compliment." Caroline grinned. "Come on, you know you don't hate me." Alma smirked. "Do I now?" "You took me in for a reason." "Yes, because your peculiarity is extraordinary." "Extraordinary? Sure, let's go with that." "The children are going to want to see it eventually." "Like I wanted to see you in a towel?"

My Precious Bird (Alma Peregrine X OC) Where stories live. Discover now