Starting Line Arc - END - [Extras]

760 13 3

Extra chapters will include:

Glossary - for all the strange terminology

Chapter Rewrites - from other character perspectives.

Author notes - Any easter eggs placed, and additional story notes I wanna add.


Trace On: Overedge - By utilising reinforcement magic on Kanshou and Bakuya, Shirou can enhance the blades turning them into long swords. The aspects enhanced are not entirely clear due to the wide variety of its uses which can be improved. However, definite ones would be its length and its sharpness,

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg - He wears black robes, and has short white hair slicked back and a short beard. He has red eyes and looks around the age of 60. One of the founders of the Clocktower; wielder of the second true magic - Kaleidoscope. He has been alive for over a millenia, and defeated the Ultimate One of the moon; Type-Moon, A.K.A. Crimson Moon. In the Tsukihime universe, he attains immortality by being bitten by Crimson Moon, the King of Vampires, turning into a Dead Apostle Ancestor (the strongest vampires). In the Fate universe (the one this takes place in), he achieves immortality through unknown means.

Gaia - the collective will of the planet's desire to survive. Similar to Alaya but often in opposition to it, because of humanity's nature of destruction.

Ultimate Ones - the ultimate lifeforms of a celestial body. Answering the call of Gaia's will to wipe out humanity in the future, Type-Mercury arrived 5000 years too early.

Type-Mercury - The Ultimate One of Mercury. A.K.A; 'The Spider', and 'ORT'. It hibernates in a crystal valley in a village in South America. It only moves when reacting to threat. Known as 'The Spider' because it looks like a massive 40m tall spider.

Land of Steel - The name given to the land by humanity in the distant future in which the planet has died and no life can grow on it except for the artificial beings made to withstand the conditions. Grain is abundant.

Grain/Ether - Grain is the general term for particles that overfill the Land of Steel. This being, the Element known as ether. The high abundance of this toxic substance is poisonous to humanity, however propagates the mutated life on the planet. Ether allows a high energy rate transfer, allowing for super-weapons utilising a vast amount of magical energy to be created in the future.

A-Rays - A variety of artificial species made by humanity through the mixing of human and other genes. Made to withstand the conditions of the Land of Steel. Eventually started a war against humanity. Includes species such as the Angels.

Liners and Ether Liners - The primary race of humans in the future after the original human species have been mostly wiped out. Created by humanity as a way to combat the A-Rays by utilising grain in their weaponry. When the 'Types' came to wipe out all remaining life, the A-Rays and Liners formed a united front to combat them.

Chapter 5.5 - Zelretch

There is a man I have watched for many years. The way he conducts himself and lives his life has certainly intrigued me. A man who speaks of ideals, and is able to follow through on them no matter his circumstance. Any person is capable of preaching good morals and just ideas, but the majority are all hypocrites. They pretend as if they stand on a higher plane, looking down on the masses of blatantly evil people. However, their condescending behaviour is disgusting to watch because they know as much as I do that they are just as bad, maybe even worse. For, what is a deranged murderer, but an honest man. More honest than those who claim to be good yet have nothing to show for it.

Shirou Emiya, in hundreds of thousands of universes I have borne witness to, has remained resolute and determined to follow his ideals. Even in those that he claims to have thrown them away, he lives a life of justice and continues to save people. Upon seeing his countless lives, and prying into his many thoughts, I have come to the conclusion that, his true nature is that of pure goodness. His soul barely has the capacity to do evil. I have seen saints of this world, committing dastardly acts on a whim in others. Whereas the most vile of criminals here, give their life to a noble cause in others. Human souls have differed vastly throughout the multiverse, where the collection of each persons acts contain that of evil and good. Even if a human looks the same and bears the same soul as another in parallel worlds, they are all different people. None of them are the same. Fundamentally, some iterations are crooked, and others are benevolent. 

But not this one.

Shirou Emiya is such a being that, no matter how many universes I observe, no matter how hard I look, I have yet to find a single version of him who has a different core. The true miracle of Kaleidoscope isn't the fact I could witness any event I could possibly imagine, but rather the fact that I have discovered a being that embodies the essence of good. 

And so, I have no doubt that this is the man I can entrust the world to. No matter how I interfere, there is no way that he could betray my expectations. If I give him great power, he will no doubt use it for good. Shirou Emiya is ultimately, the most consistent being in the multiverse. 

Yet, deep in my heart, my soul cries in anguish. I am a man who hates evil but scoffs at those who do good, because they are all fakers with ulterior motives. However, I deeply admire this man because he is the pinnacle of good beings. Truly a saint that never loses his way no matter the tragedies he faces. Because of this, I can truly empathise with such a man, and when I see the fate currently awaiting him, I can't help but wallow in misery. I have to save this man, and so with great conviction I will do my all to guide him, and lead him to the paradise he wants to create.

Looking around as I am about to cross the street, the person I have been awaiting for thousands of years comes into view. 

'Sir, do you need any help?'

I looked away and shed a tear.

Author notes

So, I started writing this story like 3 days ago at 1 in the morning. I was somewhat annoyed by the fact that every fan fiction I read of Shirou was basically a self insert of the writer. Shirou wasn't truly Shirou so I thought to myself: ~ Insert Thanos meme ~

Easter eggs: 

The first line of the prologue is the first line of the UBW epilogue.

The dialogue in chapter 1 was copied word for word from that classroom scene in the epilogue. (Netflix translation)

Chapter 3's title is a reference to Kara no Kyoukai (Garden of Sinners) but my dumbass forgot to implement a cameo of one of the characters.

Chapter 6-7 all talked about features of Nasu's oldest work known as Angel Notes, from 2000. I have read the story and most of the knowledge was plucked straight from the wiki, so hopefully its accurate.

I plan to implement crossover elements from other Nasuverse series, so await the arrival of fan favourite characters like Tohno Shiki.

Thanks for reading so far!! :)

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