Chapter 16

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"What do we do?Should we be polite or not?" Pansy asked in hushed voice while Amanda was greeting the boys which didn't look pleasant at all but kept a good front because Draco was their dear friend."I think one bich, one half bich and one sweet girl would be good." Astoria said and we laughed immediately after that.

"Yes I think is good. Let's just wait if she gives us her attention to us." I said agreeing with her and just after I did the three of us put a too big smiles for us and went to greet the "girlfriend"."Do you see what I see?" Blaise asked the boys in a hushed voice once we started walking towards them.

"This is going to be interesting." commented Matteo in the same voice. "Oh some girls I thought I was going to be the only one here." Said Amanda once she saw us.

"Hi I'm Pansy Parkinson one of Draco's best friends ever since we were litle." Pansy said because she was playing the sweet girl. "Amanda Jones nice to meet." candy floos said then looked at us. "I'm Astoria Greengrass. Malfoy's ex girlfriend." Tori said not giving her a hand to shake.

"And I'm Emma." I aw her eyes becoming warm after she looked a little shocked by Astoria's attitude."Emma Smith.The girl that have known Draco before you even knew that you were a witch." I said in not a rude tone actually the completely opposite.

"Well nice meeting you two as well." she said with a smile but everyone can say it was a fake one because of the look in her eyes. "Can't say the same for. But what are you? You are not British." Astoria asked noticing that she was having a different accent.

"Well I'm born in America and been living there since I was born but at my-" I cut her off by saying. "If you are from America what in Salazar's name you are doing here? "Draco looked like any second he would jump on me." I was adopted when I was nine years old and then when I was ten we moved here to London."she explained not looking bothered at all.

The boys were watching us with their mouths open."And I thought this was going to be boring night." Enzo said quietly so that we can't hear him.

"I want a drink." I said and then stared making my way where the drinks and cups were putted near the bath. "What's your problem? Well adn Astoria's." Draco asked once he came next to me. "You forget who we are Malfoy. The most dramatic ones in the whole school." I said while I was poring my some vodka and orange juice in the same glass.

When I was ready I tapped him on the head and started getting in the bath by the stairs. He was left speechless. After I get there the all the girls come after me but the boys got a better idea and jumped in it.

Then I felt something touch my leg so I tried to move it but both my legs were grabbed aggressively and then there was a really long kiss on my left inner thigh that I'm sure they would be a mark.

The as fast as it came that fast it went away. Next second I saw the person who had done that. It was Matteo he was near the drinks getting himself a glass of firewhiskey. He sent me a cheeky smile which didn't went unnoticed by Malfoy who I didn't know has everything Riddle has done.

After that we started having fun almost everyone was drunk besides Amanda who doesn't drink alcohol. Pretty boring if you ask me. "Let's play truth or dare." Pansy said to which everyone agreed. "I as first." Lorenzo said once we gathered in something like circle.

"Em my darling. Truth or dare." he said swimming towards me and pinching my cheek to which I slapped his hand and give him a playful glare. "I'm boring so truth." I said because I knew that if I said there it would be something bad.

"Dammit. I wanted you to make out with Draco." he said sadly to which everyone laughed except the only couple here. "So then.....To who did you lost your virginity?"he asked the question. At that everyone eyes got bigger. The only people who knew the answer were me and stupid boy I did it with.

I made direct eye contact with him to which he just stared deply into my eyes not giving me any hints." I.... lost it to..... Um... Draco." I said his name slowly and it was almost a whisper. "No way!" Lorenzo almost yelled after some seconds after processing the information.

"You've got to be kidding me."Theo said amazed." Now. Draco truth or dare?"I choose to ask him this time." Dare. "he said again giving me the same eye contact." I dare you to kiss the person who you love the most in this room. "I said with a little smirk.

Amanda next to him has the biggest smirk on her face because she knew that I would be her. The boys looked bored because they knew the answer as well. But Matteo looked little nervous which seemed odd.Then I looked at the girls they were giving me a look of confusion to which I answered with a wink.

The thing that nobody expected happened. Draco come fast toward me and kissed me on the lips. I heard a lots of gasps before I pushed him of giving him a smirk and getting out of the bath to get my clothes and putting a towel and flip flops.

Then I just give the shocked people one last look as goodnight and stared making my way to the common room where a I changed into my pijamas wich was black. Then brushed my theet and washed my face and get in bed because I knew that tomorrow will be the worst day ever.

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