12|| Rainbow Feathers - Father's Day Special

Start from the beginning

"Techno, what's wrong?" the voices get louder and I press against my temples harder and shake my head. If I open my mouth I'll scream. Phil takes my hands away from my head and holds them tightly in his hands stopping me from touching my head. 

"Techno, breathe, you have to breathe," I listen to his words and breathe more. Uneven, hasty, shallow breaths until I can control them better and slow them down. Phil counts breaths in and out for me and eventually the voices hush, but my splitting headache remains. 

"Tell me," Phil says and I break.
"They're hurting me, and they want me to hurt others. They'll only go away when I draw blood," I whisper shakily and Philza's expression softens and twists with sorrow. He pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept. Usually, I wasn't one for hugs, but I needed this and Dad's hugs were always amazing. 

"How about you work on the farm this afternoon with me? It might help you get the voices off your mind," Phil suggests. I sigh and pull out of the hug and slump against the side of my bed. I shrug exhausted. 
"Come, the fresh air will help," Phil helps me off the ground and we put on work boots and head outside. Thank god Wilbur and Tommy are out. 

We grow carrots, beetroot and potatoes. The farm was our income, and it wasn't very much. Phil often had to sell trinkets to wandering traders that he had collected on his adventures. Things made of gold or emerald or rare materials found in the farthest parts of the country. 

I watched Phil as we loosened the earth with our hoes so that we could plant more potatoes. I breathe in deeply and take in the smell of the fertile soil, the birds chirping and the warm sunshine on my back. I stand up tall and stretch my arms above my head. I yawn and look around. Phil was right, I felt much better. The voices were just as loud as they were inside but I could ignore them better when I was working. 

I look over the rise and see that the neighbour and his son were tilling their grounds as well. Only they were doing it with a plough and a horse. I sigh and look at Phil, sweating with the effort and working as hard as he could to turn the soil. 

"Dad, why don't we have a plough?" I ask. Phil straightens up and stretches his back. 
"We can't afford a horse, let alone a plough!" Phil says with a chuckle. I frown. 
"Their farm is bigger too, where do they get their money from?" Phil hums before answering. 

"They have a lot more land than we do and they produce more potatoes a year than we do carrots and beets. They tend to take longer to grow," Phil explains. 

"Why don't we just sell potatoes?"
"Because the grounds aren't made for that, it was easier for me to just plant with the seed I had on hand when we moved into town," Phil said. I frown more. 

We could be making so much money, we could have a better life. I see the kid from the neighbour's farm wave and then flip us off. I scoff and flip him off too. He just waved with a wobbly arm, I smirk when his wobbly arm reminds me of a squid. 

"Phil, I want to beat the neighbour's kid. I wanna make us rich," I say and Phil simply smiles. 

"Go for it mate, and who knows, maybe it will help get the voices off your mind," Phil bends back down and resumes tilling the soil. I join in as well a little faster than before. 

I was determined to do the opposite of what the voices wanted. 

~~~~ Tommy's P.O.V ~~~~ Age 6 ~~~~

I scream my battle cry and charge at Techno who stands calmly in front of me. I run as fast as I can but Techno moves just before I reach him and I trip on his foot. I groan as I hit the floor and I hear Wilbur laugh and bully me with Techno. 

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