M-Marry You (Bruno Mars)

12 0 0

October 2005

"What are you doing?" Ryan raises an eyebrow at Chad who is digging through the candy bucket like a rat.

"Looking for the right one! Duh." He keeps digging before triumphantly raising a wrapper into the air. "I knew you'd have it."

"Have what?" Chad doesn't answer he's busy frantically unwrapping the candy and shifting his position on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"This," Chad finally balances on one knee, "Ryan Evans will you accept this berry blast ring pop." Chad holds up the ring pop by the base and shoves it on to Ryan's finger.

"Did you just propose with a ring pop?" Ryan eyes his own hand and then the boy kneeling.

"Yes. No? Like in a fun best friends' way." That manages to confuse both the boys.

"How strong did I make your drink?"

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