B- Baby Hotline (Jack Stauber)

24 1 0

February 2008

Neither of them speaks for a moment, the line feels cold. New York didn't feel so far away before.

"It's snowing," Ryan says more for something to say than because he really cares.

"It seems like it's always snowing up there," Chad laughs, "You won't be able to handle the sun by the time you come back."

Then the silence hit again. Going back home isn't something he feels up to talking about, especially not with Chad. He wants to apologize again for not being home for Christmas but they've already talked about it a hundred times. It's not even like they are together because they had both agreed, long-distance and waiting was a bad idea.

"Been on any dates lately?" Ryan curses himself before he's even done asking, he doesn't really want to know, does he?

"No, just focused more on school I guess. You?" Chad sounds a little uncomfortable.

"Chad Danforth focussed on school color me surprised." Ryan laughs and luckily Chad does too. "Seriously dude I am proud of how well you are doing. On your way to the NBA at this rate."

The tension seems to finally break and they are talking and joking like they used to before Ryan ran away-went to college. They get so wrapped up that Chad doesn't even seem to notice that Ryan never answered the question.

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