L-Lava (Kuana Torres Kahele, Napua Greig, James Ford Murphy)

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Ryan sits on the grass in his graduation garb, staring up at the sky. In just a few months he'll be in New York, his friends spread out across the country. Another red gown plops down next to him.

"See anything cool in the clouds?" Troy asks craning his own head up to search.

"No, but to be fair I wasn't looking for anything." Ryan laughs, picking up on the fact that clouds aren't the reason Troy is over here talking to him. He's not sure the two of them have ever had a solo conversation. "Are you here for the shovel talk?"

"Shovel talk?" Troy tries to laugh over his confusion.

"Ryan, Chad is my is best friend," Ryan starts in a perfect mimic of Troy's voice if he does say so himself, "if you hurt him I promise they won't find where I buried your body."

"Oh, not exactly." Troy pushes his hair to the side.

"Darn I was hoping it was you, I'm much more scared of his mom." Ryan laughs but it's the truth.

"You should be, of both of them. He is my best friend, and he likes you a lot, like a lot a lot. Ryan New York is the other side of the country and I know you have thought through this already, Chad hasn't. You need to break it to him as soon as possible, the longer the wait the more it will hurt him." Now Ryan knows why they don't talk.

"Truly thank you for your input," Ryan stands, "But Chad isn't you and I am not Gabriella. We actually talk to each other." He walks away.

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