C- The Calendar (Panic! At The Disco)

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June 2007

Ryan is willing to admit the summer hasn't gone how he pictured it would. That isn't a bad thing though, just different. Lots of things and people are different than he had once thought. Sharpay accused him of "being one of them." She's right, for the first time Ryan really felt like a Wildcat. Felt like he was part of a group that didn't involve any secrecy or declaration. As he watched his classmates file out of dance practice, he couldn't shake the feeling that this would all end when summer did. Somehow knowing how they would all just stop talking was worse than it being a surprise.

"Don't you have to get going?" He asks Chad who is still just standing in the now-empty practice room.

"Nah," there is no answer beyond that and Ryan doesn't pry. "I actually wanted to ask you a favor if I could?"

"Sure," Ryan tries to swallow his nerves, "So I don't really get the choice of going to prom next year and, uh, I don't dance." Chad chuckles.

Ryan's face betrays him that he isn't understanding where the question is going. In fact, his heart is beating so loud he is unsure he even heard what was said.

"Would you teach me? Nothing super fancy, just the super basic slow dance stuff." Has Chad ever looked so nervous?

"Of course dude." Ryan can't help but laugh a little, unsure of why he feels relieved. Maybe summer isn't quite on its deathbed.

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