J-Jackie and Wilson (Hozier)

8 1 0

April 2012

Ryan tries to close the door as quietly as possible, but the squeaky floor of the apartment betrays him by announcing he is home.

"Ry?" Chad calls from the other room.

"Yes babe?" Ryan replies walking towards the bedroom.

"Com'ere?" Chad sounds so stuffed up but not nearly as croaky as the previous days.

"Here I am," Chad sweeps one arm out gesturing for Ryan to come join him in bed. "I cannot risk getting sick."

"I'm not contagious," he says it with such surety, "please. I'm running out of days."

That's true, in just two days Chad will be on a plane back to Albuquerque. Who even knows when the next time they'll get to see each other is? So Ryan risks it. Changing into clean pajamas so he doesn't risk bringing more subway germs in, Ryan crawls in and curls up next to Chad.

"You're still burning up," at least he's less sweaty than other days too.

"I thought you liked me because I'm hot." Chad laughed.

"Yeah something like that." Ryan shifts to softly kiss Chad who's looking tired again.

Ryan stays there snuggled up against him just feeling his breath slow down and expecting him to start snoring at any second. Instead, Chad's hand runs through Ryan's hair.

"Baby?" He mumbles.

"Hmm?" Ryan stays still and mostly quiet as Chad shifts slightly beneath him.

"Ryan." It isn't a question this time and Chad wraps both arms around Ryan just in time for the snoring to start.

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