Ever since New York (October)

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Brooklyn saw me, empty at the news
There's no water inside this swimming pool
Almost over, had enough from you
And I've been praying, I never did before
Understand I'm talking to the walls
I've been praying ever since New York


Louis had returned to England after a couple of days, stressing to get back to his mum but reassuring him that he should continue recording his album. He stayed in Jamaica throughout September and recorded several songs for his solo album.

He flew to New York after that for a big interview for Another man. He landed in his hotel room after a hectic day when he received a call from his stepdad, Robin. He had been a part of their family for many years and he couldn't have been happier when his mum finally married Robin back in 2013.
"Hi kid, how's everything?" Robin asked when he answered the phone.

He told him everything he had been up to lately and Robin listened patiently.
"Your mum and I are so proud of you. We can't wait to see your movie!"

"How's mum?" Harry asked.

"She's fine, but, eh., I have some unfortunate news regarding myself. I don't want you to be worried but I've been feeling ill lately and went to the doctor." Robin told him.

Harry's heart dropped.
"It's nothing serious, right?"

"I have cancer." Robin said.

Harry's whole world fell apart right then and there. He loved Robin. Now he knew how Louis must be feeling.
"What? What, ehm, treatment?"

"Yeah, I'm starting chemo next week." Robin said and they talked some more before they hung up. Harry promised to come back to England for a visit despite Robin's protests.

He called Louis and broke down crying. Louis tried to comfort him, bless his heart. When they hung up Harry got a piece of paper and tried to put his sorrow into words. That was the best coping mechanism he had. Then he booked a flight home and called Jeffrey to let him know.


Fucking cancer, destroying everything and everyone around it. His heart broke when he got the call from Harry. He just hoped that Robin would get through it. He loved Robin. He was a very sweet and kind man. He sent him a text telling him that he was thinking of him and if he needed anything he wouldn't hesitate to ask. Then he sent one to Anne as well. They both answered with kind words.

He spent most of his time in Doncaster with his family. He had even written the lyrics to a song, called Just hold on. The problem was that he wasn't signed to a label. He hadn't exactly been showered in offers to sign with anyone which only confirmed what he knew all along; he was the weakest singer in the band. The rest of the guys got record deals within months after their hiatus. The only one who had called him was Simon and that was just cruel. He had turned him down but he had agreed to be a guest judge on America's got talent because that sounded fun and he needed something to look forward to.

Harry showed up the next day and he was happy to see him. Things were less awkward between them now since Jamaica. He stayed the night to spend some time with Jay and Louis's siblings and the next day Louis went with him to Holmes Chapel to visit his family. Anne and Robin welcomed them both with open arms and Louis had really missed Harry's side of the family. He was relieved that there was no tension present, considering what was going on between him and Harry for the moment. They acted like they always acted around him, like he was a part of the family.

Anne hugged him tightly and told him how truly devastated she was about his mum. They had become great friends over the years. His eyes got a little watery. He didn't want to think about the inevitable. The Cox household wasn't as cheerful as it used to be and they all knew why. Robin was in a good spirit anyway and he was determent to beat cancer.

They spent a couple of days with Harry's family before they went back to Doncaster to stay there. Harry had to get back to the states and Louis went with him. He was doing America got talent and he wanted to see his son. They took a private jet together.
"I wrote a song." Louis said as soon as they were up in the air.

"That's great! Are you gonna record it?" Harry smiled.

Louis shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't have a label."

Harry could hear that he was trying to sound casual about it but that it bothered him.
"Well, have you let the word out that you're looking for one?"

"No." Louis snorted.

"Why not?" Harry questioned.

Louis wouldn't look at him.
"Did you have to do that?"

"Ehm, no. I started my own label remember and I would sign you in a heartbeat if I could but I think we would get so much crap then from our old label." Harry sighed.

"But did you ask Colombia to sign you?" Louis questioned.

"Ehm, no. They reached out to me." Harry said.

"Exactly. Don't worry about it Haz. I'll figure something out." Louis said and tried to smile.

"I'm sure they'll be banging on your door soon fighting about who will get the honor to have you as an artist." Harry tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on it." Louis mumbled.

"Well, you are absolutely amazing. I'm absolutely certain that they will." Harry smiled.

Louis just sighed and it broke Harry's heart. He wished that Louis could see what he saw when he looked at him. Hear what he heard every time Louis sang. He hated that he sold himself short.

Two days later Louis received an unexpected e-mail from the American DJ and music producer Steve Aoki asking him if he wanted to do a collab. Louis felt happier than he had felt in a long time and he immediately replied that he was interesting. Steve asked for his number and they talked on the phone. Louis told him that he had written some lyrics to a song that he hadn't put a melody to yet and Steve asked him to send it to him and he would see what he could do.

Two weeks later he was sent a melody and they decided to make the song together, through Steve's label.

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