Intro to Simon's World

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The Curse of Fantasy

Intro to Simon's World

Simon was at a bar with his friend, Manny. He was good at listening. And it was a bar in Manny's house. Manny never left his house. "So, I got a call from my mother..."

Manny smiled. "Tell me everything, Simon. I'm listening. Jabber on!" He sipped his drink but they were already half drunk. "Oh! But in third person. Every detail."

Simon glared but complied. "Okay. Once upon a time...there was a boy named Simon Jarvis..."

Simon Jarvis was always a good kid, His parents never got divorced, he didn't have a tough life. He was a pretty good student, he wasn't a total nerd or a jock. He was just in the middle. Average. Nothing about him was special. Nothing. He had six siblings. Three older and two younger. He was smack in the middle.

The oldest two were twins, Kelsey and Kylie. Girls. They were in college by the time Simon and his twin brother Samuel got to high school. Everyone just called Samuel, Sam, of course. Simon and Sam were close but not identical. Simon was taller than Sam. They both had blonde hair and brown eyes. They were tan and pretty. Sam always said so.

They were both good friends with Simon's best friend, Jett. Jett McKinney was a cool guy, the jock. Jett was the whole high school package, star quarterback who was in every sport and dated all the right girls.

His mother named him Jett, after the singer, Joan Jett, hoping he would be a girl but he wasn't. He was just Jett. Simon and Jett had been best friends their whole lives, since kindergarten. Simon, Sam and Jett were all close until Simon fucked it up. He kicked himself for years.

Simon had read a lot of fantasy stories about teens announcing they are gay and their best friend end up falling in love with them. That was not how Simon's story went.

He told Jett he that he was gay their senior year and he kissed Jett. It didn't go well. Jett never talked to Simon again. He didn't look at him and wouldn't come to the house. Sam still hung out with Jett but Simon was no longer invited.

Simon cried for his loss for his whole senior year. He loved Jett, as a friend and as a potential lover. He loved him and missed talking to him. He missed him so badly. Simon always figured they would graduate as best friends, go to the same college and grow old together. He secretly saw them getting married.

Instead, Simon graduated Valedictorian, alone and was accepted into Princeton. He got ready for college alone and flew across the country for college. He got into Princeton alone too. He was smart but without Jett to distract him, his grades were perfect.

Sam and Jett became close friends and went to college together. They became best friends and Simon and Sam were more distant. They became strangers. Sam wasn't okay with Simon being gay. Jett had nothing to say to Simon and never asked Sam about his brother.

Simon never really went back home after college. He missed everyone but he ruined his life there. His parents never cared that he was gay but Simon was the one with the problem. He just couldn't get past it. He ruined his friendship with Jett and Sam. His twin hated him for being gay and Jett hated him for the kiss. Simon was hoping that years would help with the pain.

He lost his twin brother and his best friend. Sam was living the life that Simon always thought he would have with Jett and Simon couldn't watch it so he never went back. Even after sixteen years, he never planned on it. Some damage didn't heal.

A/N: Enjoy and vote and comment if you like. Thanks!

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