A Short Introduction

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Simon Jarvis- Fell in love with his best friend, revealed that he's gay and kissed his best friend. Everything changed in that one second. Simon's future shifted.

Jett McKenny- Simon's best friend

Sam Jarvis- Simon's twin brother

Vin McKenny- Jett's 13 yr old son

The Curse of Fantasy

Simon Jarvis read too many romance novels in high school and read mangas where the gay guy falls in love with his best friend, reveals that he's gay, kisses his best friend and they live happily ever after.

Simon didn't know what he was risking. He wondered what would happen if he kissed his best friend, Jett. He couldn't resist it. Everything changed in that one second. Simon's future shifted. His first kiss story didn't go as planned and he found himself alone and hated by the one person that he loved.

16 years later, life takes another turn and Simon finds himself face to face with his lost love. What would happen if he were to try again? How much more could he lose? Would he even be brave enough to try? Probably not.

Thanks for taking a chance and reading this cute little story. I hope you like it. I enjoyed writing in and fell in love with the characters so I hope you do also. 

There is some sultry parts... juicy, sexy parts that I found steamy and I hope you find them hot! There is humor and also some hatred that is dealt with but nothing too violent. 

I hope you enjoy. 

Happy reading and vote and comment as much as you like. I hope everyone is staying safe out there! Masks up!

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