Chapter 20

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It was the first time Adora had set foot outside in weeks, and she was surprised by how unnerving it felt. At first, as she, Glimmer, and Bow piled out the front door, Adora was exhilarated. She took in deep breaths of fresh, cool air and savored the way it filled her lungs. The day was overcast, but the natural light filtering through the cloud cover was still a welcome change.

But as she and her friends walked toward the bus stop, anxiety bloomed in Adora's chest. She pulled her hood over her head and avoided making eye contact with anyone they passed along the way. In the safety of the sprawling Brightmoon home it was easy for her to forget that she was a wanted woman. The Horde could be anywhere; she was going to have to stay alert and vigilant.

"As long as there are plenty of other people around, I think we should be okay," Bow whispered as if he could read Adora's mind. They boarded the bus and took the row of seats at the very back of it. "I doubt the Horde will try anything if there are a bunch of witnesses."

Adora didn't have the heart to tell him that, if they did, it wouldn't be the first time.

The bus pulled away, leaving Glimmer's posh neighborhood behind. Adora watched the fancy houses and spacious lawns give way to streets lined with densely packed apartment buildings and businesses. Glimmer watched the cityscape morph around them as she tapped her lips and hummed thoughtfully.

"I wonder if I should have brought my baseball bat," she mused quietly.

"What for?" Adora asked.

"To defend us." The way Glimmer said this implied that the answer should have been obvious. "Y'know, just in case things get messy out there."

Bow shot her an admonishing look. "Glimmer, you don't bring weapons to a peaceful protest. That's how things get out of hand."

"Technically, a bat's not a weapon!" Glimmer countered. "For all anyone knows, I might be on my way to a game!"

"Baseball season is over, Glimmer," Bow said flatly.

As they bickered, Adora looked down at her empty hands. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but Glimmer had a point. Adora felt vulnerable being back in the world without anything to defend herself with.

Glimmer crossed her arms and flopped back in her seat. "I'm just saying, it would be nice to have something on hand just in case."

Bow turned to Adora. "Did you carry a weapon when you were with the Horde?"

"Sometimes," Adora admitted. "But it could be dangerous on the streets. I had to be able to protect myself."

"Like what?" Glimmer asked, leaning in with a sparkle in her eye. "Did you ever get into fights?"

Adora raised an eyebrow. She wondered if Glimmer understood what she was asking. "Yeah. They taught us how to fight growing up — how to defend ourselves."

"That is so badass," Glimmer said.

"Not really," Adora replied, shaking her head. "Having to literally fight to stay alive isn't as cool as it sounds."

"I'm sorry, Adora." Bow laid a hand on her shoulder. "That sounds really hard."

Adora nodded. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Glimmer bite her lip. Adora knew Glimmer meant well—that she probably didn't know any better—but she was still stunned by how different their realities were. Still, she knew Glimmer was learning; she was trying to be a better person, even if the growing pains were more than a little uncomfortable at times.

"Listen," Adora said, taking her friends' hands in each of hers. "If push comes to shove, I know how to defend us. But let's not go out of our way to be part of the problem, okay?"

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