Chapter 32: Prom King

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Jogging in the park Lincoln and Jacob were slowly paced, "Is Caleb coming to the Prom?" Lincoln asked curious if Caleb would come knowing it was for his year group. "Of course he's coming, I can't wait for tonight" Jacob smirked staring into the distance imagining how tonight could go. "Also, I see your bruise is going down" Lincoln joked at the fact the bruise left by Jamal had started to fade. "It's not funny" Jacob added annoyed "I have to admit over the last few weeks  you've handle him marvellously" Lincoln commented knowing how hard Jacob was trying to stay civil even when Jamal was making it extremely difficult.

"Thanks, I just don't want anything to go badly tonight" Jacob answered wanting it to go perfectly. "It will be great, especially ince this is our last school event" Lincoln panted as they paused on their long workout. "I can't believe that, that means it's closer to us leaving and going to uni" Jacob sighed "What's with the grouchy face, it's gonna be epic both of us in the same school" Lincoln cheered "It's nothing, just Caleb seems very nervous lately when we talk about Uni" Jacob panted worried that this may have strained their relationship.

"Long distance is tough, I mean me and Katie had a long talk about it, she's nervous too, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, I mean you two have lasted through worse" Lincoln sprayed water into his mouth from his water bottle. "You're right, but I think we need to have a conversation about it" Jacob smiled "Wait till tomorrow, just  enjoy prom tonight" Lincoln smiled as they got back up to continue their jog.

"Is everyone ready for the prom tonight?" Katie asked the group as they sat in Caleb's garden drinking mock tails as they sat in the mid afternoon heat, just coming home from school. They all nodded in response "Perfect, tonight is going to be amazing" Katie sat back sipping her drink. "I think I'm the only person without a date" Ivy sighed "That's not true, ad besides do you really need a date to enjoy prom?" Millie asked "I do, especially when Connor will be with Gretchen, and Gretchen really pissed me off, so I need to prove that I'm doing well" Ivy snapped back.

"Well, I do no someone you could call" Caleb added and Ivy knew exactly who he meant and she shook her head swiftly "Hell no, I have some pride left" Ivy sighed and the group gasped "Who?" Ava  asked "No one!" Ivy snapped "Please tell us, we're your best friends" Katie begged using puppy dog eyes and Ivy grunted "Fine, but keep your opinions to yourself, ok?" Ivy asked and they nodded in sync "Jorge Perez, we may have a complicated past" Ivy smiled remembering their rocky relationship and Katie gasped loudly and Ivy shot her a withering stare "You two would make a hot couple" Millie smirked sipping the bright yellow straw.

"Fine, I'll call him" Ivy got up walking away to take the call, away  from the view of her nosy friends. "Ivy?" Jorge answered yawning "Jorge can we talk later, I wondered if you were busy tonight" Ivy wondered waiting for his lengthy response "No, I'm free why?" He asked having an idea what she wanted "I wondered if you could come to the prom with me" Ivy smiled feeling warmth in her chest as the words came out. "Are you sure, that's a good idea?" Jorge asked "I have to admit I have treated you and Connor like crap in the past but It would mean a lot if you came, with me" Ivy smiled meaning evey word she said.

"That sounds perfect Ivy" Jorge smiled happy by their conversation caring about her deeply. "Then it's a date" Ivy smiled and Jorge smiled at the words "I'll pick you up at six" Jorge started "See you then" Ivy smiled hanging up the phone. And she jumped up and down before walking back over to her friends, who watched her sudden outburst of joy.

Hours past and the gym was decorated to the nines, with balloons and banners and filled with dressed up people most of them already dancing. Entering the group slowly moved forward taking in the scenery and the ambiance. "It's amazing" Millie gasped wearing a long red dress and her hair was tied up in a long ponytail, and wrapped her arms around Ava hugging her tightly. Ava was wearing a sparkly black dress with her hair down. "Can I have this dance?" Ava whispered to Millie who blushed at the soft words spoken into her ear. "I would love to" Millie grabbed her hand and they sprinted to the dance floor. "It is amazing" Caleb smiled wearing a sparkly purple suit and Jacob was wearing a classic black suit. Jacob held out his hand goofy smile across his face "Just to warn you, I'm a crappy dancer" Caleb smiled grabbing his hand "Like I'm any better" Jacob kissed him as they followed Millie and Ava to the dance floor, which was filled with young couples.

Katie smiled at a tall and nervous Lincoln "Are you ok?" Katie asked worried "I'm perfect, let's dance" Lincoln smiled in his dark grey suit with Katie wearing a white sequined dress and her hair tied up in a bun. Katie pulled him back gently "What's wrong?" Katie asked again not taking no for an answer "I just want today to be perfect, this is the last event before we leave and-" Lincoln started "It's already perfect, now let's go dance" Katie kissed him on the cheek dragging him onto the dance floor.

Ivy stood by the entrance waiting for Jorge to park his  car and she looked back at her friends having a good time on the dance floor and spotted Connor and Gretchen having a great time and in that moment she just felt happiness for him. "You look beautiful" Jorge gasped and Ivy turned around and Jorge gazed at her blue dazzling dress "You look dapper" She smiled complimenting him in return "I'm just glad we're here together, if that's what you want?" Jorge asked walking closer to Ivy and she pulled him closer, hugging him.

Laying her head on his chest and she closed her eyes "I just need a little time, but I'm glad I'm with you tonight" Ivy breathed in and out gently. "I will wait for all the time you need" Jorge kissed her on the forehead and she shot him a smile in return.

And as the group slow danced on the dance floor, and in that moment they were relieved and having fun after the last few stressful weeks filled with exams as well as drama. "This is nice" Caleb smiled resting his head on Jacob's chest and Jacob rested his head on top of Caleb's "It's perfect, and I know whatever challenged we face, we can do it" Jacob smirked cheeks flushed "You're right, and I'm sorry for causing more drama in your life" Caleb sighed "Don't say sorry, I wouldn't have it any other way, Shortcake" Jacob smiled just glad they were here in this moment.

"Attention please, we want to announce the winners of Prom Queen and King" A teacher silenced the excited crowd and the teacher opened the envelope "Well, this year seems very special our Prom Queen's are Millie Arnold and Ava somme!" The teacher announced and the crowd clapped as well as cheered. The couple walked up onto the stage receiving their crowns "Please congratulate your Prom Queens" The teacher clapped.

And the Prom Queens started another dance together playing to a soft and slow music "I love you" Millie whispered as they slow danced "I love you too, Millie Arnold my prom Queen" Ava kissed her on the forehead as they continued to dance slowly, being joined by others.

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