Chapter 2: Jacob Perez

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Caleb woke up, his throat dry and he yawned looking up noticing a strong arm around his chest and he sighed realising what happened last night. "Oh crap" He whispered gently removing the hand from his chest onto the bed. Caleb fell out of bed accidentally, he looked up to see Jacob fast asleep and he sighed in relief. Gathering his clothes and putting them on, Caleb sighed as the night came back to him.

Caleb snuck out of the outhouse, and shut the door quietly. Caleb tried opening the gate, but it was locked "Damn.." Caleb sighed once more and snuck through the house. Caleb adjusted his shades, as the light hurt his eyes slightly. But what he didn't expect to see was his cousins eating breakfast in the dining room.

They gasped at the sight of Caleb wearing an oversized hoodie, which was Jacob's, paired with shorts and glasses. "Did you have fun last night?" Ivy smiled knowing the answer. "What happened?" Lincoln asked oblivious to the situation, and Ivy laughed while eating her pancakes. "Oh nothing happened, I'm just a little hungover that's all" Caleb tried to smile but was too tired.

"Oh don't lie, shortcake" Jacob smiled stood shirtless leaning against the door frame. Caleb gasped in shock of his response, knowing exactly what he meant. "As fun as this has been, I should go, because I don't know what's going to happen next" Caleb smiled strolling off, when Ivy grabbed his arm. "Caleb, you should stay for breakfast, it'll be fun" Ivy mischievously smiled and he sighed in response.

Caleb sat down opposite Lincoln and Katie. But then Jacob sat next to him a huge grin sprawled across his face. "Last night was fun" He whispered into his ear "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it because that is never happening again" Caleb whispered back in response. "Don't say things, you don't mean" Jacob spoke flirtatiously, "Shut up.." Caleb responded aggressively.

"Why did you sneak out?" Jacob asked confused touching Caleb's cheek conspicuously "You know why" Caleb smiled but Jacob had no clue. "So did everyone enjoy my party?" Ivy wondered breaking the tension "It was amazing as usual" Katie replied taking a bite from her croissant and Lincoln smiled at her response.

"Yes Ivy, it was great" Caleb smiled biting his Pain au chocolat. Jacob then whispered a few more things into Caleb's ear making Caleb stand up abruptly dropping his fork onto the floor, catching everyone's attention. "Are you ok?" Lincoln asked concerned for his Cousin, oblivious to the tension in the room. "Ok, now I'm gonna go... I have an Uber on the way" Caleb sprinted to the front door tripping slightly "Tripped" Lincoln and Jacob said in sync. Caleb strolled back "I meant to do that, actually that's how I walk" Caleb smiled grabbing his pastry "Thank you"and dashed out of the door.

Caleb stood outside, calling an Uber, he lied before to exit that awkward situation. The front door shut and Jacob exited "Hey, shortcake are you alright?" Jacob asked stood next to Caleb, who noticed that he was now wearing a leather jacket, hiding his abs. "Ok, stop calling me shortcake, it's annoying" Caleb sulked arms crossed. "Ok Sunshine" Jacob smiled noticing Caleb's annoyed expression. "I mean was last night so bad?" Jacob asked "I mean no, but if Lincoln finds out he'll kill you" Caleb smiled gazing at his phone.

"You have a cute smile" Jacob charismaticly smiled in response "You barely know me" Caleb replied even though Jacob has been Licnoln's friend for many years. "Last night wasn't awful, I just don't usually do that stuff with a lot of people" Caleb said nervously "And I do?" Jacob asked slightly offended "Oh, you know what I mean" Caleb sighed "I do, but last night was special to me" Jacob smiled, but Caleb found that hard to believe.

"I have to go" Caleb smiled when his Uber appeared, but Jacob grabbed his arm "Screw your Uber, I'll take you" Jacob spoke seriously and Caleb could tell. "Thanks, but no thanks" Caleb smiled walking off "Alright then, but I have another idea" Jacob mischievously smiled picking Caleb up catching him by surprise. "Are you insane?" Caleb screamed as Jacob placed him into his car. "You know this is Kidnapping?" Caleb sighed "Oh you love it" Jacob shared his goofy smile. Jacob put on his sunglasses "Where are you taking me?" Caleb wondered, slightly intrigued.

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