Chapter 3: Just Perfect

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A month ago, Caleb was laying curled up in a ball on his green sheeted bed, wearing fluffy pyjamas and joggers which was very unlike Caleb. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt heartbroken by the betrayal by Christian. A knocked echoed from the door and Ivy entered relieved to see Caleb was home after being absent for days.
"Caleb? Why haven't you answered any of my calls, I've been worried" Ivy asked sitting on his bed in concern. She noticed his tears "What's wrong?" Ivy asked concerned for her cousin. Caleb remained silent for a minute still processing the recent events.

"You can tell me" Ivy reassured him
"It was all a lie" Caleb whispered tears filling his eyes. "What was?" Ivy wondered confused "Christian, has been cheating on me for months, or he has been cheating on his boyfriend with me" Caleb chuckled feeling foolish just saying it out loud, and Ivy gasped still a little confused. "What does that mean?" Ivy replied "Well, for the duration of our relationship, he has been dating someone else" Caleb continued to tear up heartbroken by the betrayal. "I'm so sorry, God he's such an ass" Ivy comforted Caleb noticing his sad expression. Ivy hugged her cousin, saddened by his sad state. "You know, I'm here for you" Ivy smiled.

Now, a week has past, Caleb stood outside his new School with Ivy and Lincoln "Ready?" Lincoln asked "Definitely" Caleb felt reassured at a fresh start. They entered the huge school, Lincoln dashed away "So what do you think?" Ivy smiled hoping it he would like it "From the look of the Hallway, I like it" Caleb chuckled strolling down the long busy hallway passing a tall guy with girls leaned against the lockers. The tall guy stopped them wearing a purple sharp suit and gelled brunette hair. "You're new" He smiled robotically "And you are very observant" Caleb sarcastically replied about to walk off when he stopped them. The guy briefly gazed at Lincoln who was standing with Jacob who's eyes were glued to Caleb "Hey Lincoln" The guy smiled getting no reply, and Caleb chuckled, catching the guys attention.

"Owen Adams" The guy raised his hand for a hand shake. Caleb looked him up and down, crossing his arms and smiled, taking the guy by surprise. Ivy laughed noticing Owen's annoyed expression. Owen grabbed Caleb's hand shaking it, causing him to move forward slightly "We shake hands as a sign of respect, do you understand what that means?" Owen shook his hand aggressively. Caleb released his hand from Owen's tight and violent grip "Well, when you have earned my respect, then I'll shake your hand, are we clear?" Caleb responded walking off, bumping into Owen as he strutted away. "Bitch.." Caleb sighed under his breath as they walked away.
"What the hell, just happened?" Owen gasped shocked by the encounter.

After school, hours flew by and Caleb was sitting on a bench leaning against the table reading a English textbook. Then out of nowhere Jacob and Alex perched on the bench Jacob sitting opposite Caleb. "Hey, shortcake how was your first day?" Jacob asked hand on Caleb's. "Fine.." Caleb responded robotically "What are ya reading?" Jacob grabbed his book annoying Caleb "Blood Brothers? Really? That's not the book I imagined you reading" Jacob sighed remembering how he had to read that book for his class a year ago, being a year older than Caleb. And then Caleb's phone started to ring a familiar name appeared 'Christian' and Caleb denied the call, confused on who Christian is, unaware of the fact that Christian was the ex Caleb mentioned. Ivy sat down with Katie, when Caleb's phone rung again "For the love of God" Caleb sighed getting up "I'll be right back" Caleb sighed strolling a short distance away to take the phone call.

"So who is Christian?" Jacob asked prying as they all gazed at each other nervously, knowing the answer. "He's Caleb's ex, well one of two, there was Jamal, but that's a story for another time" Katie smiled sipping her cold coffee, which she bought from the co-op. "Caleb told you about him?" Ivy asked shocked "Only briefly, he kept calling Caleb when we went to get coffee" Jacob responded. "Wait, you and Caleb went on a date?" Alex wondered shocked by his response. "Technically it wasn't a date, I think I mean, he did kiss me on the cheek at the end, but that's all" Jacob looked up thinking of the day out.
They all looked at each other, and smiled. "So why did they break up?" Jacob asked curious "It's a long and complicated story, in which I shouldn't probably tell, you but long story short, Christian broke his heart" Ivy explained.

"Go to hell Christian" Caleb stormed back irritated by the phone call. "You ok?" Ivy asked noticing his irritated expression. "I'm perfect!" Caleb barked picking up his book "I'm going to study in the library" Caleb stormed away, speeding off.
Caleb wondered into the empty Library, sitting at the back out of sight and he scrolled through a bunch of photos Christian sent through WhatsApp and Clans sighed slamming his phone on the desk. Jacob entered stomping through, being hushed by the irritated librarian.

"Are you ok? You seemed pretty angry" Jacob wondered sitting opposite Caleb who was still irritated. "I'm completely fine" Caleb dropped his book on the desk aggressively and was then hushed by the librarian "Clearly" Jacob smiled. "I'm just so tired and he won't leave me alone, after I made it clear that I wanted a fresh start, and now my best friend is 431 miles away in Scotland" Caleb sighed sad that his friend was gone, and his two timing ex won't leave him be. "You can always talk to me, Caleb" Jacob placed his hand on Caleb's again enjoying the brief form of intimacy.

"Hopefully, blocking him again will send the message" Caleb peered at Jacob who had a goofy expression. Caleb let go of his grasp and started flipping through his book. And he could feel Jacob's intense gaze and he looked up "Can you stop staring at me, it'd weird" Caleb smiled. "Easier said than done, Shortcake" Jacob smiled head leaned on his hand staring cutely at Caleb. But then suddenly, the doors to the library opened, Owen and his possy strutted in to them. "Caleb, Jacob I'm so glad I could run into you, I wanted to invite you my annual party" Owen smiled handing them invites "I also wanted to apologize, I made a terrible impression earlier" Owen smiled mischievously "I wouldn't miss it" Caleb smiled watching them walk away.

"Your seriously going to the party?" Jacob smiled "Well, I would love to spend all day with you but I have to go to football training "Caleb, I have a great idea" Jacob smiled turning around with a grin on his face.
"Oh what is that?" Caleb sighed enthusiastically "Would you come and watch, me train? It would be nice to have you there" Jacob asked Caleb noticing his serious expression. Caleb smiled "Sure, but I don't know the first thing about football" Caleb smiled as Jacob took hold of his hand and they strolled out of the empty Library.

Sitting on the Bleachers, Caleb sat in the sun whilst watching Jacob play and Caleb was impressed with how well, he played football. Then suddenly a girl sat next to him. "So I heard your new here, are you finding it good so far?" She asked and Caleb smiled at her "I am finding it, interesting" Caleb gazed at Jacob briefly "I am Caleb by the way" Caleb smiled
"Millie, so are you going to Owen's party, I heard he's basically inviting the whole school" Millie sighed sipping her water bottle. "I did, I'm going to be completely honest, but isn't Owen a..."
Caleb started "A two faced Bitch, you would be correct" Millie smiled and Caleb laughed as she took the words right out of his mouth, and they both laughed. "Thank God someone else dislikes him, just as much as me" Millie smiled as they both watched the practice. Then suddenly Ava appeared sitting next to Millie. And Ava kissed Millie "Oh hi, Ava" Caleb interrupted accidentally "Hi, Caleb come here to watch Jacob?" Ava smiled knowing the answer "He asked me to come actually" Caleb smiled. "He did?" Millie and Ava squealed in sync. Caleb nodded as Jacob quickly gazed up at them and waved to Caleb when suddenly another player knocked him over, flipping him onto the ground. They gasped in shock and rushed to the pitch.

15 minutes later, Caleb sat on the bleachers with Jacob. Caleb had a worried expression on his face "What's wrong?" Jacob asked concerned noticing his worried expression.
"Nothing, it's nothing" Caleb gasped "What's wrong?" Jacob asked, he could tell he was lying. "Are you sure, you feel ok? I mean he literally flipped you onto the floor, he was huge, I mean I know your strong and tall but it still looked like it hurt, are you ok?" Caleb babbled on before Jacob took the lunge and kissed Caleb holding the side of his face and for a brief second Caleb enjoyed it, before pulling away.

"Were, you worried about me?" Jacob asked goofily and Caleb rolled his eyes terrified by the fall, but he hated that he was right. "I wasn't I.." Caleb tried to think of a fake excuse but he couldn't. "Your so sweet Caleb, so do you want to go on a date with me?" Jacob asked putting his muscular arm around Caleb and leaned his head against Caleb's as they watched the early evening sky.

Meanwhile, from a distance away Owen stood with his possy watching over the pair "I think they may be dating" Owen's friend stated sending rage throughout Owen's body. "That Bitch is going down, the party tommorow is going to be interesting" Owen plotted wickedly, plotting a devious plan.

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