Why did they have to warm it up again?

"Sooooo ...are you coming with me on the unicorn search?" Sonic asked the group while he happily wiggled his ears. "Please! It'll be great, I'll bet!"

The remaining five boys just looked back disinterestedly as they worried about Sonic's mental state. He sulked when no one agreed to his plan and finally got up from the stone to give it a bored kick.

"Who knows, guys: Maybe we'll find something else too! It doesn't necessarily have to be a unicorn!" He finally started another attempt, but all he got was an annoyed look from Shadow.

"And what should that be? Elves? Dragons? ...Your mind, that you obviously lost?"

Sonic snorted angrily before shrugging. He wanted to ignore that now. "Who knows! That's why it's so exciting!" He shouted with an ear twitch. "So are you guys coming with me now? Even if we don't find anything, at least we went for a walk!"

"Oooh, I like walks!", Silver squeaked excitedly and was on his feet within a few seconds to join his boyfriend. "I'm in!"

After a long moment of silence, the rest of the boys got up too. Even if this excursion had a mind-boggled background, it at least took the monotony out of the day.

Maybe it wasn't too crazy!


"So...", Shadow began, drawing the attention of the others on himself. "How exactly do you want to start your search?"

The whole idea was really questionable to him. How did Sonic imagine this should go? Did he just want to trudge aimlessly through the forest and hope that a unicorn ran into him? Was the blue hedgehog really stupid enough to think something like that?

And even if unicorns existed, the shy creatures definitely wouldn't go anywhere near Sonic. After all, the younger one couldn't even stand still for five minutes and kept bouncing on the spot like a ball. Unicorns were definitely smarter than approaching a hyperactive mobian, Shadow was 100% sure of that.

Even so, the black hedgehog was annoyed at the other's plan. Or did Sonic even have a plan? Should he now guess spontaneously, he would say "No". Anything else would really surprise him.

"So?" Shadow repeated and raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Sonic giggled in response and spun around as he strolled backwards along the forest path.

"Very simple: We're looking for a magical place!" He replied and didn't even notice how five disturbed looks were sent his way, because he was already climbing a high oak to get a better view of the forest.

"...Don't hurt yourself!" Silver shouted worriedly, as Sonic climbed higher and higher and finally looked like a blue dot that made its way to the top of the tree.

"...He's going to break all his bones if he falls down now." Shadow muttered with a shake of his head, which broke the silence between the worried teenagers. Sonic wasn't even visible anymore, only the leaves rustling in the wind could be seen when they looked up.

Tails and Silver gave a worried whimper at the thought of Sonic falling and injuring himself ...or worse!

"Sonic, you'd better come down there! Please!", yelled the fox, hopping restlessly on the spot while his namesakes moved behind him.

"Sonic!!" Silver cried out, who couldn't help but whimper again.

His golden eyes searched desperately for a blue dot in the treetops, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't see anything. How tall was this oak anyway? Couldn't he have chosen a smaller tree?!

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