Kie: What should we name him?

Tanjuro: How about Yoru?
(if you know what that means give yourself a pat on the bag)

Kie: I like that Kamado Yoru.

A few years later.

Im now 5 years old I have two siblings they are currently playing outside when Tanako was born I learnt what God meant by Fun this dimension isn't what the main one is right about now my father here is supposed to be weaker but he's only beginning to get weaker now it's really interesting Tanako is 3 Years old while Nezuko was 2 I looked at them with a smile I wanna cherish this life to its fullest.

Tanjuro: Yoru i want to tell you something.

Yoru(I'm going to refer to him as this for now) : What is it father?

Tanjuro: I can feel myself getting weaker I want you too take care of our family once i pass.

I looked at him in shocked I know he would die but I felt sad.

Yoru: I promise.

Tanjuro: Here take this.

He took a Journal under the blanket it had one thing written on it the word 'Sun'  I looked at it and then at him

Tanjuro: Yoru you we're born strong I've never seen you tired even when you are playing with your siblings for a long amount of time and you always talked about seeing things differently I've heard say you could see through almost everything I believe you were born for something great.

Yoru: Hai.

He looked at me and smiled he then reached out to me and hugged me I felt tears on my head and my face was crying we were both crying we both know what will happen this Journal if it's what I think it is I'll begin learning it when I come to my teen years but I'll train myself I can't rely on instant knowledge and abilities I have to learn and achieve what Yoriichi Tsugikuni couldn't do.

Yoru age 6

I began training my father was getting weaker I ha to begin training when I started reading the book it told me to practice swinging a Bokken or a katanas but I had neither so I requested my father to make one which he did he also thought me how to position myself while swinging he might look weak but he is a very strong individual.

I went from 50 swings to 100 to 500 to 1000 and more and more

When I reached exactly 2.400 I grew tired well not exactly my arms just began to tense up it seems that is the point of my limit I have to pass that.

Yoru Age 7

After 1 year of training I began to learn about he dance my father did every year Tanako was always amazed by this while I carefully try to memorize it as I tried to mimic it father corrected me and as I did it he said he was impressed I did almost perfectly..... Almost I don't want that I want to perfect it so I asked him hoe I could breath like that he told he would tell me next year if I could do the dance perfectly and for at least and hour or 2.

Yoru age 8

Many things have happened I had new siblings they were great there were 5 of us now its always energetic around here Im happy about it we might be poor but we're still happy on the other hand i could do the dance for exactly 12 Hours I grew stronger faster and my stamina has increased I could run for an entire day I tested this out and well when I came back I got a talking too.

My father did tell me about how to breath properly well for him it was called  Total Concentration Breathing when I tried it i was able to do it for 2 minutes but immediately fell down clenching after that i might have high stamina speed and strength but my lungs were normal my father said it was a miracle for me to be able to do it for 2 minutes well he gave me 6 gourds which were used for sake from th town but they gave it to him since it was useless for them but he melted them down  together he originally had 20 but he melted them so they can be thicker this will be interesting.

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