Chapter 6 : Kill The Dream!

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[The Executioner, Zank was killed by Nobuyuki. And his Teigu was retrieved by Nobuyuki and the othes. And what Nobuyuki didn't expect was Sayo... She went back from far away to the Capital just for Tatsumi. At first Nobuyuki didn't agree with all of this... But after he saw Sayo's determination to protect Tatsumi... He just sighed and let it be... And when they arrived at Night Raid HQ..]

[Yup.. Just as Nobuyuki expected... After they brought Sayo to Meeting Room, Mine just gone berserk as soon as she sees a new face in HQ.
Mine: "How did she get here!? We don't need another recruit!"
Sayo: "Um..."
Tatsumi: "Hey! Leave Sayo out of this!"
Mine: "It must be your idea to bring her here, right!?
Tatsumi: "It's-"
Nobuyuki: "It's my responsibility."

[And Mine looked at Nobuyuki. Honestly, Mine didn't really understand what Nobuyuki was thinking.]
Nobuyuki: "I'm the one who invite her here.. If you want to blame someone. You can blame it all to me."
Mine: "WHAT!? Are you out of your mind!? She's not suited to be a murderer like us!"
Sayo: "Um.. But maybe i can do some labor job for you all."
Najenda: ".....Akame?"
Akame: "Yes, boss?"
Najenda: "What do you think?"

[All eyes, except Nobuyuki, are looking at Akame... After a deep thought...]
Akame: "She got a potential."
Sayo: "Eh?"
Leone: "Hehe.. Thought so."
Mine: "WHAT!?"
Bulat: "Well.. I think it could be crowded over here."
Lubbock: "You're right, Bulat! And look at her body! She is so-"

[A hard smack on Lubbock's Head!]
Lubbock: "OW!"
Leone: "Shut up, you creep!"
Mine: "Akame! What are you saying!? You know how danger this life!? When she steps forward.. There is no turning back!"
Sayo: "I... I aware that... But as long i can keep an eye on Tatsumi... I don't mind become a murderer."

[For a bit, Tatsumi feels glad because there is someone who care about him.]
Nobuyuki: "....Nee-san."
Najenda: "Okay... If Nobuyuki vouch for you, i guess what i can say is... "Welcome to Night Raid"."
Sayo: "T-Thank you, Miss Najenda."
Lubbock: "Najenda-san.. Are you sure? I mean, sure.. It's good we have another recruit, but for me.. She's still green."
Najenda: "Maybe.. But if we give her a Imperial Arm (Teigu) and train her hard... I think she could be an useful asset for Night Raid."
Sayo: "I... I will do my best!"
Najenda: "Okay.. Dismissed!"

[And all members of Night Raid, except Akame and Mine, were going back to their own room.]
Najenda: "I can see You are not agree with me, Mine. Am i right?"
Mine: "Boss... It's not that i'm not agree with your decision.. But, i fear she will become a heavy burden to us."
Najenda: "Like i said, if we can find a Teigu for her.. It would no problem."
Mine: "...."
Akame: "It's okay, Mine. After all, Sanada-san already vouch for her."
Mine: "Akame.. I don't understand you. Why don't you refuse and tell her to return to her village?"

[Akame just went quiet for a bit. And then, she is walking to the door. And before she left the meeting room... She turned back for a bit.]
Akame: "It's because Sanada-san's request to keep her here."
Mine: "What? That's it?"
Akame: "Whatever Sanada-san's orders or requests... I believe it's the best for Night Raid."

[Akame left the meeting room. And with heavy heart, Mine also left the meeting room, leaving Najenda alone inside that room... Then, she lights up her cigar. And... She is smiling...]
Najenda: "You really are similar to the Commander, Nobuyuki. If he's still alive... He'll be proud of you."

(Opening Song : Sign by Flow)

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