CHAPTER THREE: Coincidence

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That night, sally laid on her bed for hours before she slept. Hundreds of questions came up to her mind. Who is this guy? Why would he come to her small town? Why was he wearing soldier's uniform? Was he in army? Does he have any relatives in here? Will she see him again?

The scene of him and her talking kept playing over and over in her head. With all these thoughts, Sally drowned into a deep sleep.

Sally woke up the next morning feeling energetic and she got ready for gym. She wore her pink t-shirt with her gray leggings and white sneakers, and she headed to the gym. The gym had an underground big hallway. With a bun-tied hair and a pink towel around her neck, Sally went down to the working out room. The place was a little bit crowded, but Sally never paid attention to anyone. She started warming up on the walking machine, drinking every while small sips of water. Suddenly, she felt her heartbeats beating strangely. It was a different feeling. She thought it was because of the warming up, but she felt something weird deep inside.

Sally noticed some girls gathering around someone who was working on weights. She was not even interested to know who the guy was. She just continued walking till she finished warming up. Sally stretched her body up and swayed it right and left few times. She took the dumbells and started lifting.

"I thought hot girls like you spend all their time in beauty salons and fashion clubs", a strange voice came from behind.

Sally froze. Guys usually hit on her, but she always ignored them. Yet this time, she recognized the voice. It was him, the man from the Caffè.

"Nonetheless, a beautiful lady should also remain fit if she seeks attention", said the man trying to irritate Sally to make her talk.

Sally turned around slowly as if she wanted to make sure her ears weren't betraying her. She looked up directly to his eyes. It was him, the mysterious guy.

"Just for your own information, I don't seek attention", Sally replied. "Exercising makes me feel better and that's it. But you! Trying to come over here to have the attention of some girls like the ones over there. Who knows? Maybe manipulate one or two of them into liking you."

The man couldn't control but laugh. Sally looked at him with wide eyes. He looked back into her eyes and said, "I think you misunderstood me. I am a navy boy and no way such girls interest me. They are just not my type. And to be honest, I was trying to avoid them by coming to this part of the place when then I found you. I'm Mike by the way. "

Mike forwarded for a handshake. He had a wide smile drawn on his face. Sally looked at his masculine arms and specifically his hand. He had a really strong fist that could bend iron or even break stones. Sally hesitated. Should she handshake with him or not? Well, he might have conquered her thoughts all yesterday night, yet he won't win her hand.

"I'm Sally", Sally replied as she walked away to the bicycles . She sat on one and started exercising. Mike followed and sat on the bicycle next to her.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I bothered you. I truly apologize if I made you feel bad. I just wanted to say hi. I spent a long time in the navy and I'm not so good with relationships."

His words were so nice. His tone was soft and he seemed like he was a kid asking for forgiveness. Sally was a very kind person and no way she could hurt a fly. She couldn't resist and soon a smile appeared on her face and the two started to talk.

Mike told her about his adventures in the army. He told her about the time he fell down from a cliff and broke his leg. He told her about the toughest training he got to join the navy. He told her that he came to visit his brother whom he hadn't seen for eight years.

In return, sally told him more about herself. She told him about her parents' accident. She told him about her grandma. She told him about her friend Lea. She told him about her graduation. It was like Sally didn't want to stop talking as she felt so good to share with him everything about her.

The two simply talked as they went out from gym. Mark walked with Sally to her house. He expressed how much he enjoyed his time and how much he felt happy talking to her. He wished her a good day and agreed to meet with her the next morning.

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