CHAPTER TWO: A Mirror Reflection

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The alarm kept ringing over and over. Sally, as usual, was sleeping with the pillow over her head. She often wakes up by herself when the sun softly pinches her eyelids with the morning carol of the birds playing outside. Yet that morning, Sally overslept for an extra hour. It was her graduation party the night before, and she had a big celebration with her friends. She spent a part of the night in the ball with her colleagues and the rest of the night with her best friend, Lea.

Lea and Sally became best friends at the age of eleven. They shared happiness and sorrows, secrets and problems, dreams and aspirations; they were like twin sisters with so much in common. They both shared the same birth date, and unfortunately both lost their parents in a car accident during their childhood. It was like destiny brought those two together to be a support for one another. Sally and Lea were like inseparable souls in one body. They were so close that they never wanted to separate.

Sally woke up at nine. Her mascara was fallen down from her drowsy eyes and smashed around her eyes. She had a pale white skin which sarcastically made her look like a panda bear with messed up silky hair. Sally was exhausted and wanted to go back to bed before her grandma called her from downstairs.

"Sally! Didn't you wake up yet? I have prepared some pancakes with some fresh milk. You are skinny and you need to eat. Hurry up! "

Sally smiled. She jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. She squeezed her grandma with a warm hug and hurried to take a quick shower to freshen up.

Sally took a cold shower, dressed up, had breakfast and went out. She was going to see Lea in a nearby Caffè. Sally was a fine beautiful lady. She was not much interested in fashion, yet whatever she wore looked stylish on her, and most of the girls around considered her a fashion icon.

Deepinyou Caffè was a peaceful quiet place. Soft music played there and it added tranquility to the atmosphere. It was two blocks away from Sally's home and it took like five minutes distance on foot. Those were some of the reasons why Sally liked the place and always wanted to go there. Sally sat there for five minutes and asked for a coffe-toffee shake before Lea came.
" Oh Sally Sally Sally, I'm so excited." exclaimed Lea, "We finally did it! All the hard times and the long hours of studying had given a worth result. I don't think I could've done that without you by my side. "

" I know right! No way I could go on with my life without a supportive person like you. I can literally say I completely drown without you! I die without you Lea. You're everything I have in this world after my grandma. You pull me up when I'm down. You strengthen me when I'm blue. Ah! Girl I love you! "

The two girls sat there for hours. They just talked continously and passionately. Any person looking at them would say that they are like a mirror and it's reflection. They always sat opposite to each other on the same counter in a far corner in the Caffè, where no one would pay them serious attention. They loved that corner and even scratched their initials on the top of the counter.

As the two girls were sitting and talking, a strange man passed by. The man was clearly new in town. He was beautifully tanned with a black leaned backward hair style. He was wearing a navy colored shirt with an army dotted pants. The strange man glanced at Sally as he walked to a counter that was parallel to Sally and Lea's.

Lea had to leave the counter to the toilet. She said it won't take a long time before she is back.

Sally was by herself now. She glanced at the strange man and found him looking back at her with looks that caused a quiver in her veins. Something in him was so attractive and Sally felt so nervous from the way he was staring her. The handkerchief in her hand was almost torn while Sally was trying to avoid his looks. Her cheeks turned rosey and she started to bite her lips. Suddenly, with all the nervousness in the air, the man approached to her seat.

Sally froze in her place and her body started to tremble though it was May and the weather was perfect for swimming. The man stood up there for few moments before he interrupted.

" Excuse me, young lady, would you mind if I take a couple of sugar bags? It seemed like my table ran out of them and I have asked the waitress for some sugar to add to my coffee and she didn't bring me any yet."
Sally innocently looked at the man. She lifted her head up looking directly into his eyes. His eyes were dark green sparkling by the effect of the lights in the place. For moments Sally just stared at him saying totally nothing.

"Umm, so do you mind?"asked the man gently.
"Oh, su.... Su.... Sugar", Sally stammered, "yes sugar.. Of course! Here, take them all!"

The man smiled softly and took two bags of sugar. He thanked her for her generosity and departed peacefully.

Sally felt so stupid. Something within her didn't want him to leave. She wished she could just lock the place with both of them alone inside. She couldn't explain the shivering nor the stammering part, she regained her composure simply the moment he smiled.

When Lea was back, Sally told her everything about the stranger. That day, Sally was extremely happy.

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