Chapter Seventeen

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Once we'd settled in, Brady and Hazel disappeared to explore their rooms and Gemma said goodnight and left. I found myself waiting with Jax in my room, staring at the mural.

"When did you even find time to do this?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"I don't sleep much."

"Still, you always seem to get way more done than I think possible in the day."

"I guess when you don't have to take time going from place to place, it makes things a lot quicker," he shrugged, "Plus I only need about four or five hours sleep a night, so I get an extra couple hours already compared to most people."

"I thought I was good surviving on six hours," I mused.

He was standing just inside the doorway, hands in the pockets of his dark jeans. He wasn't looking at the mural, but rather down at his shoes. Meanwhile, I was looking at him, studying the way his shirt clung to his shoulders, his hair falling down around his face, growing longer in the short time I'd known him. He was so oblivious to my watching him.

"What are you going to do between now and sunrise?" I asked him, managing to get him to look up and meet my eyes. He blinked, considering it.

"I might wander the drains for a bit, actually. Just double check who is around, try and keep tabs on the monsters and any humans down here."

I nodded, wanting to say more, but not knowing what to say.

"Thank you," I finally settled on. He frowned.

"What for?"

"For this room, for this life, for trusting me despite the fact that I'm not just a human."

He smiled, moving closer. Darkness swirled between us, stirred simply by the both of us moving together.

"By the time I knew you were different, I'd already started to realise the person you were. I could hardly kick you out once I'd already welcomed you in. Not that I'd wanted to."

He reached up, fingers brushing my cheek as he captured a stray strand of hair, tucking it behind my ear. I didn't realise I had been holding my breath until my chest started to hurt.

You were different, unique, a puzzle. At the start, you were just something for me to solve, something of interest. Like a rare piece for my human collection here. I never expected you to just sweep in and challenge my entire way of thinking. You made me question how I saw myself, how I did things. In a good way. You made me reflect on things I should have thought over a very long time ago. I should be thanking you.

I smiled, and then finally remembered to take that breath. He dropped his hand, managed a shy smile, and stepped back.

"I guess I better let you get those six hours."

I nodded, and he started to gather the darkness.

"I don't plan on leaving Rewes, but do you want me at the meeting in the morning?" I asked before he could go.

"I don't know. It's up to you. I'm never going to say no to a second person on the stage. I hate being up there alone," he shuddered, "But I'll survive the stage fright, if you want to try and get more than six hours and have a sleep in. Or just a nice breakfast."

"Brady won't let me sleep in anyway. I'll be there. If I have to learn about the world I'm living, might as well get involved as much as possible. I'll see you in the morning."

He nodded, and the darkness swirled around him, taking him away and back to his room. It seemed suddenly dark and empty without him, and I decided to check Brady was in bed before getting in myself.

Goodnight. I whispered into the air.

Goodnight, Tempest. I heard him whisper back.


Author's Note: This chapter is a little short, but the last was so long I couldn't lump it in there... But should I make this chapter a little bit extra? A little more interesting? Maybe let something happen between Jax and Tempest? What do you guys recon :)

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