Hoshi? what happened to you?

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I saw him crying in the corner, it broke my heart

Y/n: father don't cry
Dad: I wish your mother took care of you, so you didn't had to go through all of this because of your stupid father
Y/n: I don't care about mom anymore, you are my everything, I messaged her to come at my wedding but she didn't. You care for me, I am sure if hoshi was a bad person, you would never let me marry him. I trust you father and I will live to my fullest even after the marriage, I trust hoshi
Dad: father is sorry

At our new apartment

Y/n:Who said this is an apartment?
Hoshi: my parents?
Y/n: bro this is a bunglow! Wah- so big, I can call nao to stay with me over here
Hoshi: y- you c- can
Y/n: don't worry, I won't

I chuckled. and he gave a sigh
After we moved in, I was shocked

Y/n: only one bedroom?! So big house and only one bedroom? Why did they make study rooms and library?
Hoshi: even I don't know
Y/n: *sigh* let's just unpack

After we were done keeping our belongings, I kept a pillow in the middle of the bed

Y/n: you won't cross this pillow! And don't tell anyone in the school and don't try to behave like my husband, no touching hands or anything. NO KISSING! if something happens to me in the school, you won't come running to me. Just mind your own business. Same goes to me, I won't meddle with your school life

He agreed but was sad

Y/n: we are done! Now you may sleep, I'll talk with nao for sometime

After a week

Everything is going fine, hoshi never tries to talk with me, I am having normal schedule with nao and the 12 popular boys. And saeroyi too, we both hangout a lot, it's fun.
I was just walking in the cafeteria when saeroyi approached me

Y/n: hi saeroyi, what's u-

Suddenly he smashed his lips on mine, I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything. I could feel all eyes on us, from the corner of my eyes, I saw hoshi.. no- it's not what you think as-
He pulled away

Saeroyi: y/n.. I like you. The day since I saw you, I fell for you. I really mean it..will you be my girlfriend?

I could see nao was looking at me with sadness since she must have felt sad for Hoshi. The 12 boys were giving saeroyi a judging look as they didn't wanted me to date him. Others were cheering

Y/n: I.. I am sorry saeroyi. But I only like you as a friend..

Hoshi's POV
I saw saeroyi kissing y/n. My heart sank more deeper than Titanic. I knew they both are dating, y/n really likes him. I tried to do so much for her, I had planned out things for this weekend but all in vain. She will never like me, I couldn't see them kissing, I went straight to my class. How much ever I try to make her happy, she won't ever see me as a lover...

After the school, I went to mingyu's place

Gyu: what was it you wanted to talk to me hoshi ya?
Hoshi: I want to change myself?
Gyu: what????
Hoshi: I don't want to be a nerd anymore, I want to look handsome
Gyu: but bro, you are handsome, our group always wanted you to be added in our group. You really are an amazing person
Hoshi: please mingyu help me, I'll always be there for you for your homeworks

He gave me a smile

Gyu: you don't need to do anything for me my friend, did you bring money? Let's go to the mall

After the whole day, we did a lot of shopping, I changed my hairstyle, bought lenses, fashionable clothes and all

(Hoshi's new haircut and ear piercing in the above pic of the story starting)

I stayed at mingyu's place cause I wanted to surprise y/n. Y/n.. you wanted me to change right? See I changed. You will regret this for your life.

Y/n's POV.
I was waiting for hoshi, I tried calling him but he didn't answer. I knew he liked me a lot, I could see his efforts but I ignored them, I started crying. I should have had pushed saeroyi when he kissed me. I am really a worst wife, I saw my ring finger which had no ring, I forcefully took Hoshi's ring as well as mine and kept it in my drawer, I commanded him to never wear it. I really am a monster, I tortured him so much, still be loves me

Next day
I was walking with nao, nao was disappointed in me

Nao: y/n.. whatever you are doing is not good. That man loves you and is doing so much, but you are just making his life worst
Y/n: I know nao you don't h-

Suddenly we heard noises and ran to where it was coming

Girl: wow he is so hot, I have never seen him here before
Girl 2: I wanna date him

As we started getting further the crowd, I saw a tall handsome man kissing the most beautiful girl in our school, I and nao were going to get out of there as we weren't interested but soon they parted away and my heart broke into million pieces, he was Hoshi. My husband Kwon Hoshi, nao realised too and kept her eyes widened. Hoshi smirked at me and went to the 12 popular boys.

Girl3: wowowow he is the new member of 12 popular boys
Boy: that's hoshi!
Girl4: that nerdy? I knew he would kill it without his glasses

I ran out of there! Nao followed me. She hugged me as I cried in her shoulders.

Nao: it was going to happen one day y/n, did you think he would just let you do what you want? I think it's a misunderstanding, he thought you are dating saeroyi. You should clear it out

The whole day I was staring at him, class, cafeteria, everywhere, he didn't even look at me. They even named their group as 13 since hoshi joined.
I saw him alone walking somewhere, I ran to him

Y/n: hoshi ya?
Hoshi: do I know you?
Y/n: hoshi don't do this to me

He walked away...

After our school, I ran to our house and started crying.. crying and crying.. he didn't come home. At almost 12am I heard the door open, i knew who it was, but I had no strength to even move away from bed

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝• Kwon Soonyoung Where stories live. Discover now