again just normal like before the drama

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After school I and nao were just walking out towards our home.We stay together since her father is in army so her parents stay in different state meanwhile my parents- my mom has divorced my dad since he had an affair, she took responsibility of my brother who was just born at that time. My father is very responsible towards me, he don't want me to leave him but since he has may business trips, he has to travel so he bought a small appartment for me where we both stay, wonder why didn't nao's parents take her with them? Well.. she pleaded, that girl literally cried to stay with me  cause.she didn't wanted to leave me all alone, her parents were willing to take me with them but I refused since my father got me an appartment with all money he had, he isn't a ceo or something, he just works under the ceo. Somehow nao's parents agreed with regret but they always check on nao and ask her aunt to visit us atleast once a week. Yeah that's it. We were just walking slowly talking about the drama as I was telling her the story when suddenly;

???: Hey.. don't share the script with anyone, it's not supposed to be leaked as we have to make changes later

I and nao got startled as I looked back seeing the contemporary king and the wisest student of our school, my partner in the drama. I suddenly blushed seeing his smile

Y/n: a- ahh sorry I didn't knew about it
Nao: yeah she won't tell me anything forward
Hao: it's okay partner. I am looking forward working with you. May I get your number please?
Y/n: umm.. y- yea- ah sure it's 81+xxxxxx...
Hao: thanks see ya around
Y/n: wah..

I didn't notice my mouth was still on the ground

Nao: ehh do you want kimchi slap from me?
Y/n: sorry sorry

We both went back home safely. But as soon as we reached.. my father was sitting on the sofa looking down, maybe he was upset

Y/n: father...

He looked up as he smiled bitterly

Father: y/n, hi dear
Y/n: hello father

I greeted him meanwhile nao left us two and went towards our shared bedroom

Y/n: when did you get here? You should have had told me, we don't have anything for lunch
Father: I already had lunch dear, I just came to see you

Suddenly he came closer and cupped my face

Father: dad loves his daughter a lot, always remember. Dad will do anything for his angel.

He said while a tear escaped his eyes

Y/n: father?
Father: I'll take my leave now daughter. I have to meet my boss

He smiled

Father's pov
I don't have the courage to tell her yet, not yet.

Y/n's pov
I could feel something was odd maybe I think he regrets not taking care of me by staying with me

Next day
I and nao were just talking about boys stuff and all when we heard everyone whispering, we looked ahead and it was.. a boy. He was tall, kinda muscular? Idk since his clothes were very loose. His skin was like glass, no flaws to be seen.. his eyes were very pretty, he was holding onto his back strap on both the sides and looking down, maybe he was nervous. Everyone's eyes were on him so ofcourse. He seemed to be a nerd from my perspective, thick glasses hiding his mysterious eyes, his body was not seen at all because of his clothes, bag seemed heavy which means too many books, he had two books in his hands too, no phone to be seen in his pocket. I felt like I wanted to know him the moment I saw him.
Soon the teacher entered and we greeted him.

Teacher: so students, meet your new classmate, child please introduce yourself

He bowed in a 90° Angle, class started chuckling

???: Yes teacher. Hello. My name is Kwon Hoshi. I love reading books. I hope to get along with you all. Thank you.

His intro seemed like he was in army and had to introduce himself to the senior most officer. He is weird

Teacher: great, now Hoshi, you can sit there, she pointed him the seat and he sat there

Break time
Nabi: I can see him get along with the popular boys well
Nao: yeah guess what we are going to have 13 popular boys in our school now that too from the same class
Y/n: he dosent seem popular at all, just normal, sure the other 12 are more hotter than him
Nabi: I like him

She winked at him while he was looking at us staring at him, he got startled and looked down on his book. We three shook our heads

Nabi & Nao: we agree with you y/n.

During our practice
We all were practicing, there were the 12 popular boys along with the other characters. We were practicing literally whole day since our school forced us as annual day was an important even and parents were coming. We were very tired, we just sat in circle and we're having some water. I couldn't flirt with any of them because I was practicing, what a life.

Han: shooo y/n?? *Whispered*
Y/n: what? *Whispered*
Han: can you come with me somewhere for sometime?
Y/n: hmm

I thought this is the best time to get a boyfriend for myself
Minghao who was sitting beside me, asked me

Hao: y/n, where are you going?
Y/n: I'll come back soon
Hao: I'll wait for you

Why did I think he was just like.. kind of.. umm.. acting like he liked me? Idc, any of them would do if they are from the 12 popular group
I went out with jeonghan, he took me to a nearby singing room where no one was, a shy smile appeared on my face

Han: umm.. y/n.. I wanted to ask something.. can I?
Y/n: sure Hannie you can
Han: actually.. i.. like.. yo..ur.. umm.. yk.. friend.. nao

When he said that a bright smile appeared on his lips making my heart fall apart, idk why I am feeling this way like it's okay right? He is not the only one of of twelve. Am I jealous of my own friend?? I should be happy for her since she sincerely liked him.. why do I feel like crying

Han: y/n?? Y/n??
Y/n: yeah
Han: ik you like me too and I am very sorry but I like nao since a week, idk why but when I saw her at the cafeteria I felt my hear beating fast. I am very sorry y/n. Even that day wonwoo was going to hand the scripts to the students but I took the chance to see her from close. Please can you like.. set a date for us? Like tell her we three are going somewhere and you don't come? I am sorry but please!! I am very shy to boldly ask her

It broke me more

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝• Kwon Soonyoung Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon