I should not have said that they began to scream fangirl and have drop to the floor blood streaming down their noses well for the boys well the began to get scared thinking I know lots of martial arts well except a certain brown haired boy...... Oh the red dragon emperor that's pathetic and he's a devil he must think he could beat me.

Teacher: Alright you can sit near the window....... Wait what?

Heh I just bended faith a little bit I didn't want to sit with that Red Dragon he is very weak a 10 year old is stronger then him without his sacred gear and magic wise his energy and mana is weaker then a baby he relies on his gear too much maybe I should take it.

After class.

I was sleeping at my desk I know that multiple girls are staring at me but I can at least give them to admire this vessel until I heard the words I was waiting for.

Kiba: Hello but are you Kan Pendragon?

These Devils really wanna turn me into a slave huh well I'll play along.

Kan: Mhm! Is there anything you need?

I see a blonde haired girl. So I'm in one of those realities we'll can't complain.

Kiba: I would like you to come with me please.

And I did just that I followed her I got stares but this time only from the boys the girls well they were glaring at this Kiba I followed her till we came to a stop

It looks terrible but I can sense multiple seals on it we went inside and I got stares one from a certain red dragon one from a obvious Nekomata or something one from a hybrid and I cna hear water yup seduction tactic I waited and waited until I f...

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It looks terrible but I can sense multiple seals on it we went inside and I got stares one from a certain red dragon one from a obvious Nekomata or something one from a hybrid and I cna hear water yup seduction tactic I waited and waited until I finally saw the devil a gremory huh?

It looks terrible but I can sense multiple seals on it we went inside and I got stares one from a certain red dragon one from a obvious Nekomata or something one from a hybrid and I cna hear water yup seduction tactic I waited and waited until I f...

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Rias: Thank you for coming I didn't have time to take a shower at my home so please forgive me.

Yeah really I just saw you earlier staring at me while I was flying didn't think I notice huh?

She sat down and the hybrid gave us tea it was pretty decent but ive had better I can't keep wasting time like this once I finish my job here I'm leaving and erasing my trace that I was ever a student here.

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