Gang Leader! Donquixote Doflamingo x Gangster! Chubby Reader

Start from the beginning

".....b-but! I won't join your gang, y-you killed many people! I am not the one who is to kill people!"(Y/N) said and refused Doflamingo's offer

"In exchange of that, marry me, miss (Y/N)"Doflamingo said and (Y/N)'s eyes widened

"WHAT?!"she asked and Doflamingo stood up, he walked towards the chubby girl as (Y/N) gulped and just stayed still

"In exchange for the Donquixote Family to kill and rob, you'll marry me and I will also be aquintances with Tokyo Manji Gang or Toman"Doflamingo said as (Y/N)'s eyes widened even more if it's possible, she's so shocked to even comprehend to what's going on

"....I-I....are y-you serious, Doflamingo-san....?"she asked as Doflamingo smirked and stole a kiss on her lips which tasted a bit of a bitter taste.

"Yes I'm serious, I've known you from the shadows, Miss (Y/N) Ryuguji"Doflamingo said as (Y/N) gulped

"A-and know I'm not as innocent as other people think, right?"she asked as Doflamingo chuckled

"Of course, you're so strong to begin with. Perfect wife for me to be honest"Doflamingo said as (Y/N) looks at him

"And besides, you were gawking at me earlier. Am I that hot to you~?"Doflamingo asked cunningly as (Y/N) blushed from it

"N-no I didn't! A-and what if I d-don't agree?"(Y/N) asked as Doflamingo look at her with a smirk

(Y/N)'s POV

Is he being serious right now?! Me?! A chubby girl from Toman, a perfect wife for HIM?! NO! He's just as perfect as Ken! I-I'm just a normal chubby woman!

"Doffy! TOMAN ARE ATTACKING US!"I heard Baby 5 saying while I widened my eyes, those guys. Someone probably saw me being dragged away by Donquixote Family.

"Oh~? An interesting event I see~! Oh~ and you ask what if you don't agree~? Well I'll kill of those middle schoolers if you don't agree"Doflamingo-san said as I widened my eyes, he's threatening me?!

"Why are you, the hot bastard, threatening me?! You're threatening your future wife?!"I asked and Doflamingo-san smirked as he suddenly licked my face, I shivered and blushed from it.

"Then you'll be my wife, you already agreed to it, unconsciously"Doflamingo-san said as I blushed and looked away, he then grabs me and lead the way where the Toman members were fighting off Donquixote Family.

"(Y/N)-SAN!"all of the Toman members said as I looked at them, Ken looks at me while I sighed

"Enough you guys! Go home! I don't need help"I shouted and Mitsuya-kun looks at me

"YOU ARE BEING HELD CAPTIVE, RIGHT (Y/N)-SAN?!"Mitsuya-kun asked as Doflamingo-san chuckled at him which made the Toman members either shocked or angry

"No, she's not being held captive. I just wanted to have a talk with her about marriage, right, (Y/N)?"Doflamingo-san asked and he winked at me which made me blushing

"Marriage?! What kind of bullshit are you talking about?!"Ken suddenly asked as I looked at him

"'s true. He talked to me about ma-marriage in exchange of not gonna kill and rob anymore. And also, Toman will be aquintances/afflicted with the Donquixote Family from now on"I said and all Toman members widened their eyes

"EHHHHH?!"they asked as I chuckled

"B-but Donquixote Doflamingo is one of the notorious criminals! But he is been sliding off due to money!"Takemichi-kun said as I nodded

"That's why I agreed to stop him from being a selfish bastard. And besides...."I said and pause to look at the tall Blondie

"Besides what~?"Doflamingo-san asked as I blushed and look away

"Ahhh~ she fell for me already~! The wedding is set next week~"Doflamingo-san said as me and the Toman members were shocked

"WHAT?! I HAVEN'T AGREED TO WHAT DATE IT IS YET!"I shouted as he then forms a tick mark on his forehead

3rd Person's POV

"If I said the date of the wedding is next week, then it is next week"Doflamingo said and (Y/N) looked at him

"WHY WOULD YOU DECIDE THIS, YOU SELFISH BASTARD?!"she asked as Doflamingo and (Y/N) continued arguing in front of the Donquixote Family and the Toman members.

"They aren't even married yet and they also have a quarrel"Ken Ryuguji said as he sighed

" you notice that (Y/N)-san is happy with him?"Baji Keisuke asked everyone who was in Toman

"It seems so....."Manjiro Sano said

"HAPPY?! WITH HIM?! HE WILL ONLY GIVE ME A HEADACHE LIKE YOU GUYS GIVE ME ONE, YOU IDIOTS!"aaaaand there goes (Y/N) blabbering about the middle schoolers about their results in the tests, after twelve years. (A/n: Takemichi fixed the past so the present is now in peace although I haven't seen the manga yet)

"After twelve whole years.....we had those sweet three children, I gave birth to all of them. And I have a husband who's a selfish bastard"(Y/N) said as Doflamingo smirked

"Oh come on, just ooone more baby will do~"Doflamingo said and they were at the bar that (Y/N) owns

"One more baby?! I AM NOT A BABY MACHINE YOU DAMN BASTARD!"(Y/N) shouted as she punched Doflamingo in the gut which made him groaning, all executives of Tokyo Manji Gang were all there to celebrate their affliction to Donquixote Family.

"She hasn't changed much...even if she gave birth to all three of their children"Ken Ryuguji said as Manjiro Sano nodded, Doflamingo sat down next to them which made them tense.

"Yeah, she hasn't changed a bit, the woman I love is still who she is when I first met her 12 years ago"Doflamingo said as he looks at (Y/N) who was happily chatting with Hinata Tachibana


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