Picnic Pancakes (Terrorcest)

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Nikki's hands are shaking as he lays the soft quilt upon the grass. It's a perfect, sunny California day.  The waves are crashing against the rocks on the cliffside, creating a soothing, natural white noise. It's serene.

But the bassist is still nervous as hell, wincing as the sharp edge of a box pokes his ass from his back pocket. Does this tux make my ass look big?' Nikki thinks self consciously as he sets out candles and tiny blueberry pancakes. What if Tommy hates it? His outfit, the food, the speech, it all has to be perfect! Sixx squeezes one of his thighs. Damn, why do they have to be so fucking huge?

Whatever....there's no going back. He yells over his shoulder," Tom loves, dinner's ready?"









"OKAY!" Tommy skips out, his bright smile ever-present. Nikki sighs lovingly, heart palpitating as he takes in his boyfriend's long luscious hair, his elegantly long legs. Then he sees his favorite as Tommy sits before him. Those big, beautiful brown eyes were always filled with joy and wonder. Like a child never grew up.

The drummer stumbles when he notices the fancy arrangement of candles and pancakes and a gorgeous boyfriend laid before him. He chuckles, "Nikki what do you want? Are you bribing me?"

Nikki playfully pushes him, "Can't I give my lover a nice dinner once in a while?" 

Tommy squeaks adorably, making Nikki's heart leap. This boy is his everything and soon he would be even more. He licks his lips boring his gaze into Tommy's cute little ass as the lanky man sits down and he can't resist raising his arm and...

Tommy gasps as his ass is slapped, "Nikki!" He laughs sitting down fully. He flicks Sixx's nose, "You asshole! I don't jiggle like you!"

Nikki snorts blushing hard," I do not jiggle!" 

"Yes, you do!" Tommy grins at the moan jiggling Nikki's thighs earns him.

"T-Tommy stoppit! I-I wanted this to be romantic!"

"Okay! Okay!" the drummer grins hard to keep his laughter at bay. He takes Nikki's hands rubbing his palms with his thumbs. He nuzzles Sixx's face cooing softly, "But seriously Nikki, I love it...its perfect..."

"Just like you," Nikki coos back, rubbing their noses together. They sit there a while, nuzzling each other and feeding each other pancakes drenched in syrup. Tommy makes delighted little noises. They were his favorite after all.

Nikki pulls back and gently wipes a strand of syrup from Tommy's cheek, "Your face is a mess, T. You look like a little kid..."

Tommy does his adorable, tight-lipped smile, rubbing his cheek on Nikki's palm, "I am a little kid. Mick says so."

"Mick thinks everyone is a little kid, baby," the bassist says as he keeps wiping the sticky syrup off, "But you're special to me...so very fuckin' special..." 

Tears fill his eyes as he smiles and worry floods Tommy's features, "N-Nikki...a-are you...breaking up with me...?"

"What?! No! No! Never...I could never part from you, baby....," Sixx cups his terror twin's face and kisses his nose," But can you stand up for me?"

Tommy nods, long legs bending and turning as he stands up," Nikki wh-"

Nikki smiles and gets on one knee, pulling a small velvet box out of his back pocket. 

Tommy gasps, tearing up, hands over his mouth, "S-Sixx...I-I..."

Nikki opens the box to reveal a beautiful, thick diamond ring, "Tommy you are my muse, my heart, and soul...I would jump into fucking traffic for you...I'd die for you....you are the only person in this world who I could ever be with...your smile, your beautiful, long legs, your enthusiasm, you light up my whole fuckin' world my love....my T-bone...my terror twin...will you make me the happiest goddamn man in the world....and marry me?"

Tommy bursts into tears, all but screaming out his joy," YES! YES NIKKI YES!" He leaps into his now fiance's arms. Nikki catches him, their bodies fitting against one another like puzzle pieces meant to be. Their lips lock in a passionate, heated kiss as they fall onto the grass together.

"God I love you..."Nikki purrs out before going back into the kiss. Tommy moans against his lips spreading his gorgeous legs.

Nikki smirks, "Wanna consummate the marriage early~?"

Tommy grins back and Nikki takes him right there on the grass under the stars.

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