Foreign Beauty (Vince x Tommy)(Light Smut)

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Tommy is a transfer student from Greece in this and I had little to no time to do research. If any translations (courtesy mostly of Google) or depictions/descriptions offend you, by all means, let me know. Too lazy to do any more editing right now lmao.

Special thanks to @SixxsBabe for help with translations and a few cultural questions!


Tommy is clutching his books to his chest, nervously chewing his lip as he stares up at the towering buildings of the university.  They seem to loom over him like vultures, waiting to snatch up their poor, unsuspecting freshman prey.

Lee gulps. It does nothing to help his heightened nerves. Everything looks so new, so uncertain. The sky blankets the world around I'm in a cool gray, the usual overcast he would soon learn came with autumn.

The gloomy weather makes the young student yearn for the green, lush foliage and clear blue skies of Athens. But then, he had heard the warmer months were quite the sight to behold in California.

After what seems like hours, he finally reaches the heavy wooden doors of the main building. He stares up at them, scrawny legs shaking. He takes a deep slow breath and places his hand on the handle, pushing it open and walking inside.

The receptionist looks up from her computer, white horn-rimmed glasses glinting, "Hello. Are you the new foreign exchange student?"

Tommy pales and stammers in his thick, Greek accent,"" He can feel his palms grow wet, his heart leaping into his throat as he undoubtedly fails his first interaction at a prestigious school. He waits for the pressed, well-dressed woman to jeer at him, throw insults at him.

The old woman, probably around sixty, looks up with welcoming pale eyes," What was that? Honey, could you speak up?"

Despite her kindly tone, Tommy still found himself shaking,"δεν μιλάω αγγλικά..."

(I do not speak English)

The receptionist raises her eyebrow, sending shivers down Tommy's tense spine, "You don't speak English?"

Tommy could only assume she's seeking confirmation of his language, so he shakes his head and gestures at the heavy stack of books held in the vices of his strong arms, acquired from years of eager and aggressive drumming.

The aged woman smiles, accustomed to these tedious tasks. After shuffling through her multitude of papers she hands the flustered Greek a map of the school.

Tommy studies it. He can't read a word of it, as it's in either English or Spanish on both sides. But the diagram is simple enough.  He nods, smiling gratefully before making his way through the rest of the admissions office, shyly waving to those who eyed him curiously. He knows he sticks out like a sore thumb with his tall lanky form and long wavy hair, but he may as well make the best of it.

He looks around, hugging his books as he makes his way to his first class of the day, trying his best to avoid bumping into people. Still, they stare, gawking at the gangly new kid on the block. Tommy swallows thickly, sweating nervously, "Είμαι στο κολέγιο και νιώθω ότι μόλις άρχισα το νηπιαγωγείο ..."

(I'm in college and I feel like I just started kindergarten...)

A little way down the hall, Vince Neil feels a sharp elbow prod his side, "Hey! The fuck, Sixx?!"

Nikki snickers mischievously and points at Tommy as Lee makes his way in their direction, "Check out that fuckin' beanpole, Vinnie!"

Vince follows Nikki's finger to a very tall boy, even taller than Nikki. The peroxide blonde feels his mouth fill up with water as he drinks in strong-looking arms, a perfectly squared-off jawline, gorgeous flowing hair, and best of all, long, long graceful legs. Vince feels his face heat up as he imagines holding those legs as he takes the stranger hard and deep. 

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