Chapter 27. Never look back

Start from the beginning

The hallway was silent and I swear I heard my heart break. Before I allowed myself to go down that rabbit hole, I pulled myself together and reminded myself who I... no, who William was dealing with. "Christina, we should go." I turned to my sister who looked like someone just told her all of social media has been cancelled. And for the first time in a very long time, she listened to me and followed me as I dragged her away and made a beeline for the cafeteria.

The cafeteria wasn't far from the main office but the walk felt like it was taking forever. It was too early in the day so I knew it would be empty. I needed a moment to think and going to class at that moment was not an option. When we stormed in together, I let the door slam behind us and fell back into it. My body melted from its upright position, back against the door, knees up as I got closer to the floor and I sat.

"Christian." Christina knelt down in front of me with her hands on my knees. "Are you ok?"

"I think so." I was too deep in thought.

"Talk to me Christian. What's going on in that brilliant mind of yours. Somethings up, right? William wouldn't do this to you? To our family even. He's practically been living with us. It just doesn't make sense. Why would he-"

"I don't know, Christina." I stopped her rambling, my voice even and composed. "There's clearly an explanation. William, when he gets a chance, he'll fill me in and we'll figure this out. It'll all be fine." I wasn't sure if I believed myself and she noticed.

"You should tell your face that because what's coming out of your mouth is contrary to the fear plastered all over your face." She pointed at me and drew a circle in the air near my face.

I took in a deep breath, held it in and exhaled. "It just doesn't make sense though, Crissy. Why? He has his scholarship. He's eighteen. He doesn't need his approval anymore. He doesn't need anything from his grandfather anymore. I thought we would just wait out high school because things have been easy. But if his grandfather is forcing him into this somehow, why would he agree? What is holding him there anymore?" And I started to panic.

My eyes began to water and a tear dared to fall from my right eyes. Christina noticed and wrapped her arms around me. "I won't cry. Not yet. Don't let me cry, Crissy." I whispered into the nook of her neck.

"No one's here. I won't tell anyone if you want to let some tears out." She whispered back.

Pressure against my pack almost knocked me and Christina over. In one quick moment I pulled myself and Christina to our feet as the cafeteria door slowly opened. His black raven hair and green eyes graced us with his presents. Mistakenly, I sighed a sigh of relief anticipating he would explain this misunderstanding and his plan to fix it. How wrong I was.

He stepped through the door allowing it to close behind him, his eyes still void of emotion. "Crissy, can I talk with Christian?" His voice was hoarse as though he hadn't slept or had been crying for days.

Christina remained in place, her eyes fixed on William and then glanced in my direction. "Christian?" She asked. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Her voice was kind and gentle.

"It's ok, Crissy. I'll meet you in the hall in a few. We still have to go to the office together. I won't be long." I tried my best not to let my voice show the pain I was feeling inside.

"I'll be right out here if you need me." She gave me a hug and proceeded to exit the cafeteria. As she passed William she stopped for a moment to address him. "Be the man I know you can be." And with that, she left William and I alone.

William didn't look at Christina when she spoke. Nor would he meet my eyes after she left. He remained still, his hands in the pockets of his dark trousers with his head down and eyes locked on his loafers. He was dressed similar to how he did on the first day of school. Like a proper rich prep-boy.

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